Modular buildings and modular construction processes have taken the world by storm, and there are many likely reasons for its increased popularity. The truth of the matter is, with modular building construction, the sector has achieved a big boost, and more contractors and builders are making their choice to go modular simply because it allows them to save more and become more efficient. But for the consumer, modular buildings have become a better option as well, with more designs from which they can choose, more amenities, more flexibility, and less time spent on construction as well as more money saved. But one other reason why modular construction has become more popular is its benefits to the environment. Businesses, for one, are increasingly becoming environmentally-conscious, and modular construction helps them achieve their environmental goals as well. Let’s have a look at the real benefits of modular building construction to the environment.

Fewer emissions due to transport

When it comes to traditional construction, the transport of equipment and materials is a big deal. It’s a major undertaking, with trucks as well as workers continuously going back and forth from the site to other places and suppliers. This constant activity adds up in regard to carbon dioxide emissions, and it is made even worse once the actual construction begins. But with modular construction, the structure is not built on-site – they build it in a facility or factory, which eliminates the need to transport materials back and forth, resulting in less carbon dioxide emissions. Plus, with a modular construction project, the site itself requires fewer workers, so with fewer workers travelling to and from the site, less emissions are produced as well.

Less waste

A modular building is made in a factory or facility, as mentioned – and this also means that there is less waste produced in the construction of the units or sections. The materials are measured accurately and as precisely as possible, leading to less waste material. In a traditional construction project, materials are often wasted due to the oversight of workers, changes in design, poor storage for the materials (leading to conditions such as lumber warp), and even bad weather. But because the modular structure is constructed indoors, the materials used are fully protected. The amount of construction waste your project produces will be limited to the preparation of the site itself and not the structure on the site.

Recyclability and reusability

A typical modular structure is designed to be flexible and reusable – in fact, you can even relocate the entire structure to another area if the need arises. The mere fact that you can move the structure and relocate it is already a big deal when it comes to the environment. And if you no longer need the structure for whatever reason, you can recycle it as well. Many businesses which have portable offices constructed for their business are glad of this, as they can relocate the office or have it recycled for another purpose once they no longer need it. Of course, if they choose to use it as a permanent structure, they can easily do so as well.