If you are going to make a choice to get into an online MBA school, then it is better that you do it right by choosing the best. By the best, I mean ones that are flexible, accredited, have inspiring faculty, seasoned teachers and of course, good students support program. Canada hosts many of the leading accredited online MBA schools. Here are Canada’s top 5 accredited MBA schools.

Queens University – Smith’s School of Business

With accreditation badges including  AACSB and EQUIS, Queens University modeled her Executive MBA programs to meet the purpose and prospects of Canadian business falcons. Being among the foremost business institutions, the school honored J.R. Smith with his name, having received the largest donation given to a business school. All courses are duly taught in English and apart from the fact that there are two campuses in Canada, there is an option of Online/Blended learning that allows you to study at your convenience outside work. Students have a virtual team that gets them taught and instructed.

Aston University

With an international recognition with companies like 3M, Deloitte, Salesforce, Deloitte, Scotiabank, etc., Aston University opens her MBA students to vast opportunities. Expert teachers who also, are actively engaged in various departments of business ventures teach students. The school offers courses that tackle real-life situations in areas covering leadership, communication, change management, ethical awareness, networking, and self-awareness. Aston University offers online MBA for Canadians, which is designed to specifically favor the Canadian market requirement. The education is affordable and dynamic; tailored such that you do not need a four-year bachelor degree to obtain this high-quality education at a lesser price than many Traditional MBA schools.

James Crook University (designed for Canadian professionals)

This world-ranked institution (among the top 2%), provides a Master of Business Administration degree that requires no four-year degree to make a difference in your career. Being flexible and economically Canada-oriented, the school offers six study periods around the 12 months of a year. Hence, there is a chance for you, as a student, to get your degree quicker. The online institution boasts of active communication and interaction between subjects. The courses are guided in the path of leadership and empowerment with a zoomed focus lens on modern governance and various practices of a sustainable business.

University Canada West

As an ASCBP-accredited institution, UCW offers interesting online MBA courses. The school boasts of HD lecture videos. Based on the reputation she has built over years, students are built unto professional and personal progression, the opportunity to network with global students, and high-definition and qualitative e-learning resources.

IONISx Executive Education

This school offers an executive MBA that focuses on business technology and innovations, which is to equip people for their business project. Their course operations are fully accessible online with a rare pride in evolution, freedom, and flexibility. Running at a convenient pace over the period of eighteen months, the Epitech institution helps students to master designs and pilot business strategy, types of company and how they influence decision making and the impartation of self-knowledge, to propel individual’s entrepreneurial project.