The PSPV councilor Borja Sanjuán has provided this morning to the hate crimes prosecutor more evidence to the complaint presented by Compromís, and admitted for processing, regarding the racist messages that the Vox councilor Cecilia Herrero has posted on the social network X. These new tweets, which the councilor hid online but the PSPV has recovered, directly attack the president or members of the Government. In one of these, for example, he writes that “It would be a good time for the Government’s bodyguards to go on strike” (11/24/2021) or in another he points out that “Sánchez is a traitor. He has sold Spain to the Moors” (18.5.2021).

In other messages he goes so far as to say that “They can give the Council of Europe a lot for cvlo.

The hate crimes section of the Valencia Prosecutor’s Office opened criminal investigation proceedings after Compromís complained about the tweets that the councilor had written against the former Podemos deputy in the Community of Madrid Serigne Mbaye to whom she said “you need to turn back.” To your country”. The investigation analyzes other tweets from the councilor such as “So much reconquest to end up paying for the invasion of the Moors” or “Disgusting. They are savages. Get Africa out of civilized Europe.”

This is the list of tweets that denounce Compromís:

-“The Moor is invading us while he rearms. Invasion consented to and sponsored by the traitor government” (12.22.20)

-“Enough of patronizing the Moor. National resources for Spaniards” (12/20/2020)

-“(…) the Government should have put the Moor in his place now” (12/22/2020)

-“So much reconquest to end up paying for the invasion of the Moors” (9/7/2021)

-“It is said “the Moors invade us”” (5/18/2021)

-“They are not migrants or immigrants. THEY ARE INVADERS.” (18.5.2021)

-“1) There are needy Spaniards ignored by the Red Cross 2) at Christmas they restrict you to 6 people and you cannot meet with all your relatives but immigrants can do whatever they want. EXPULSION AND BOYCOTT OF THE RED CROSS. @javiernegre10 @EstadoDAlarmaTV”

-“EXPULSION NOW. OF IMMIGRANTS AND THE GOVERNMENT. “Everyone in the same boat outside the Kingdom of Spain” (12/23/2020)

-“Expulsion of the Moroccan ambassador from the Kingdom of Spain. No Moor will steal two cities from us.”

-“We are black. “We can now loot Luis Vuitton and Apple and make them kneel and kiss our feet.”

-“Disgust. They are wild. Africa out of civilized Europe.

Both Compromís and the PSPV have demanded that the mayor María José Català stop the Vox councilor for her messages on social networks.