Laura Escanes has once again unintentionally become a current protagonist due to her love life. The Catalan influencer has been enjoying her single status for some time after her controversial breakup from Sevillian singer Álvaro de Luna at the end of 2023 after just under a year of relationship and, since then, rumors and speculation about the state of her relationship have continued to appear. heart.
The last one, also the influencer Pau Joanmiquel, who could have returned the smile to Risto Mejide’s ex-wife. At least, that is what the latest photographs published by Diez Minutos magazine seem to indicate, which states that the content creators are launching “new love.”
After her breakup with the Sevillian singer last October, there have been many partners that have been awarded to the Catalan. Some of them, by the way, are very well-known, with names like Juan Betancourt.
However, only with this influencer could there be signs of something more serious. There is great chemistry and connection between them, as has been seen in some of their interactions on social networks, and their followers have been the first to realize this. “How can you tell that you are in love,” one of them wrote to him in one of his publications.
Joanmiquel is not unknown to the 3.0 world. Belonging to the circle of María Pombo and Marta Díaz, she is an influencer with more than 25,000 followers. She also works at TV3, the regional television network where she began her career as a presenter with La Travessa, and at 3Cat, the audiovisual content platform. Catalan. In the case of Joanmiquel, she has been presenting her own program, Clímax, for some time.
Both set off all the alarms about a possible relationship a few weeks ago after sharing a video cooking together, where you can see the chemistry that exists between them.
The young Catalan does not usually hide, and gives her opinions on the issues that concern her. Now, in her way. Laura Escanes was not going to miss this opportunity to talk about the comments made about her private life and she responded. Of course, with the song Sneakers from El Canto del Loco. “I’m amazed that people invent, tell and then reinvent.”
With this message, she makes it clear: there is only a beautiful friendship between her and Joanmiquel. The images published this week by Diez Minutos make their close relationship clear, but do not give any indication of a possible romantic relationship. If they take the step from friendship to love, only time will tell.