The PNV’s ‘no’ to the PP, decided on July 24, was definitively staged this Wednesday, and the main person mentioned, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has sternly addressed the jeltzales. The popular leader, who has responded jointly to the PNV and EH Bildu, has sought to alternate a message of certain closeness towards the Basque nationalists – he has spoken of “empathy” towards his voters with a collection of taunts that the bench did not like. jeltzale.

Feijóo, basically, wanted to delve into the PNV’s electoral wound, opened in the municipal and regional elections in May and aggravated in the July 23 elections. The concern within the jeltzales is evident, even though the possibilities of being overtaken by EH Bildu in next spring’s elections are exaggerated. And the popular leader has sought to exhibit irony to stoke the PNV – he has spoken of “Galician sarcasm” -.

The popular leader also wanted to highlight the failures of Pedro Sánchez that the PNV denounced during the last legislature: “Do you want to continue being Sánchez’s clinic in the coming years? I will always address you with the same respect and I will not use you as a clinic. Now they are useful for the PSOE. But the socialist machinery will begin to remind them that they are very conservative or reactionary.”

In relation to the electoral position of the jeltzales, Feijóo did not skimp on darts. “Be careful with the marathons, because Bildu is starting to beat the PNV. The problem that the PNV has right now is Bildu. And it is the same one that the majority of citizens have. But there you are,” he pointed out.

“The Bildu whitewashing process has among its objectives to replace you, the PNV, in the Basque Country,” he added.

Feijóo has said he feels “empathy” towards a part of the PNV’s social base. “I feel empathy for the PNV, for its voters and social base, since a good part of it is also ours. There is a conservative PNV voter who is upset that they vote the same as Bildu in favor of Sánchez. What is the shared project for Euskadi that leads them to want to be the pillars of a Sánchez majority? ”He pointed out.

Along these lines, he has indicated that “there are many PNV voters who believe that the best formula is a solo PP government, since the other government will be worse for Euskadi.” “If the Basques want a government in Spain that defends the Basque industry and the Basque ‘Y’, that is the PP. We are betting on the Basque ‘Y’ and if you had not thrown us out of the government, the Basques would already be enjoying it,” he expressed.

“I am convinced that they have nothing to do with Bildu, but I regret that lately they have been walking closely together, since it is bad for freedom in the Basque Country,” he added.

Aitor Esteban responded to Feijóo’s words, visibly upset: “Today you have made more friends.” The PNV spokesperson in Congress has also indicated that it is “touching” to see the PP leader’s concern for the future of the PNV, but he also sees it as “contradictory” that the PP worries about the PNV when at the same time it claims that it can attract their votes in Euskadi.