The President of the Generalitat set an agenda for himself on his nine-day trip to Latin America that, ambitious as it was, has not quite matched.

On the 15th, accompanied by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Meritxell Serret, Pere Aragonès had scheduled a meeting with the Vice President of Uruguay, Beatriz Argimón, who is also President of the General Assembly and the Senate. It did not come after the vice president’s continued schedule changes. Yes, he did see himself, however, with the former president of the country, José Mujica. Earlier, in Colombia, where he strengthened cooperation, President Gustavo Petro had to cancel the meeting with Aragonès a couple of hours earlier due to conflicts in the Cauca area.

It had to be the first bilateral appointment of the head of the Government with an international head of state. The President of the Generalitat will end his trip in Chile. We will have to wait to see if a hearing with the president of the republic, Gabriel Boric, has been scheduled.

However, and among the appointments he has had so far, those held with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Álvaro Leyva, and with the head of the Treasury, José Antonio Ocampo, stand out. Or yesterday he met the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof. They signed a cooperation agreement to promote collaboration in areas such as professional training, cultural industries, science, technology, research and innovation, among others. Kicillof is considered a key figure in the Kirchner and Peronist space in the upcoming presidential elections. He is part of the circle of trust of Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

When Aragonès took over the presidency in May 2021, he proposed to redo the international agenda that was canceled with Carles Puigdemont and Quim Torra. In July 2022, he met the Vice President of the European Commission, Margaritis Schinas, at the Palau de la Generalitat. He would have to go until 2011, with Artur Mas as president, to find a visit with a position of the same rank in Palau. In October, Aragonés went to Brussels to meet two European commissioners, Didier Reynders for Justice and Thierry Breton for the Internal Market.

Despite everything, the recent trip to Ireland and the current one in Latin America have not been so successful so far.