With the idea of ​​studying the flow of pedestrians that passes through the most universal promenade in Barcelona, ​​the Rambla, several antennas have been installed at different points of this artery. Specifically: five on rooftops and two more in the port.

The initiative has been promoted by the Amics de la Rambla association to measure the flows and influx of people in real time in order to know when there is overcrowding or not and to better manage tourism on this emblematic road, as has been advanced by the new president of the entity, Pau Bosch, in an interview with Europa Press.

The antennas were placed at the beginning of this year and the first results indicate that the influx of people passing through the Rambla is much higher than those who spend the night there. Some data that for Bosch indicate that “no matter how much regulation” is made regarding overnight stays, “it has no implication on influx.”

In addition, these meters will be used to update the data of cruise passengers who visit the city and at what times. Information that will also seek to “stop demagoguery” when addressing tourism management, says Bosch. The project, named Observatori Rambla, is promoted within the framework of the plan to change urban tourism on the Rambla and is financed by part of the proceeds collected from the municipal tourist tax.