The Generalitat has compensated ten years later with amounts ranging between 710 and 3,400 euros to four protesters who were injured by the actions of the police during the protests in Barcelona against the eviction of the occupied Can Vies center in the Sants neighborhood in May 2014.

Specifically, last week the Generalitat compensated these four young people as subsidiary civil liability with the amounts of 710, 1,682, 1,700 and 3,400 euros respectively, as reported to the Efe Alerta Solidaria agency, which carried out the private prosecution in the trial against the Mossos d’Esquadra agents involved in the injuries.

In total, the administration’s compensation to the four injured protesters amounts to almost 7,500 euros. Of the four young people who have been compensated by the Generalitat, two of them were injured on the second consecutive night of protests in Barcelona against the eviction of Can Vies, and the other two during the third day.

In Plaça de Sants, on the second night of demonstrations, one of these protesters received a baton blow to the ear that required four stitches, while the other had to receive five stitches in the head, according to reports. Solidarity Alert reported this Friday in a statement.

As for the other two young people injured during the third day of protests, specifically, on Rosés Street, in the Poblesec neighborhood, one of them ended up with a broken nose and the other had to have seven staples put in his head.

In the statement, Alerta Solidaria has denounced the “slowness” of the Generalitat, which “has lengthened all deadlines to the maximum” reaching the “inexcusable limit” in the assumption of compensation, which has now been received ten years after the events. four young people who suffered injuries. A “minimal” and “so delayed” compensation that “does not satisfy the damage suffered” by these four protesters, this entity has stressed.