After a spring-like Sunday in much of Spain, the week begins with decreasing maximum temperatures in much of the country and rains that could be locally heavy in Catalonia, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

An Atlantic front will affect the eastern half of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with rainfall in the Cantabrian Sea, the northeast and the Valencian Community, without ruling out rainfall in the afternoon in the form of weak showers in large areas of the rest of the Peninsula.

According to the agency, skies will be cloudy in the north and half of the east, where it will rain throughout the day. In the rest, cloudiness of evolution, without ruling out some showers in the mountains, which may be locally strong in the northeast of Catalonia.

In fact, Aemet has activated the yellow warning (risk) in Catalonia, the Valencian Community and Aragon due to rainfall and storms in the central hours of the day. Accumulations of 20mm are expected and it is not ruled out that the storms could be accompanied by hail.

Regarding the winds, they will blow weak or moderate from the west and northwest on the Peninsula, except in the northeast and the Balearic Islands, where they will be variable. In the Canary Islands, moderate northeast trade wind, with some strong intervals.

For this Monday, a general drop in temperatures is expected. The maximums will decrease in much of the Peninsula. The drop in thermometers will be notable in areas of the interior northeast, where they will not exceed 16 degrees. However, they will increase on Catalan coasts and the south of the Balearic Islands.

The minimum temperatures will also decrease in the northern half of the peninsula, and increase in areas of the southern half. There will be weak frosts in the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian mountain range, where they will not exceed 5 degrees in many points.