English football – 25. christmas. 2019 – at. 22:04 Crazy pictures: football stars attacked by gang

In the summer was Arsenal’s Sead Kolasinac and Mesut Ozil tried to be assaulted and robbed by two masked men who jumped of a scooter and threatened especially Kolasinac with, what turned out to be a screwdriver.

Kolasinac fægtede however gerningsmændende of the road, who fled from the scene of the crime.

Later, the two perpetrators arrested, and Friday was one of the two been convicted.

Harrow Crown Court sentenced one offender Ashley Smith to 10 years in prison, while the other, the perpetrator will have his sentencing on a later date.

photo credit: Photo by Ian KINGTON / AFP, and REUTERS/Eddie Keogh

In court was the now viral video of Kolasinac’ heroism, and in connection with sentencing, said judge Ian Bourne: (see the video in tv-player article)

– It is clear, that the two perpetrators had planned the attack to arm itself with weapons that could do significant damage, said judge, Ian Bourne, according to the English media The Mirror and continued:

– They had stolen a scooter, dressed in dark clothing and put helmets on, so that they would not be recognized.

– It is clear that they were looking for victims for the crime, and through overvågningskamerat you can see that they are running up and down the road before they turn to.

Neither Kolasinac, Özil or their wives, which was also in the car something came during the attempted robbery.

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Premier League – 21. oct. 2019 – at. 21:41 the attack of the gang: – I would escape

See also: Kevin Magnussen impresses the master