An actor who plays a murderer in an american horror movie, has been accused of having shot his uncle.

It writes several american media, including ABC News.

Aisling Moore-Reed has been released on bail after she was arrested for shooting his uncle to Shane Moore in Oregon.

Right now she is also the current in the american horror film ‘From the dark’, where she plays the role of Valerie Faust, in the film murder a person by skuddrab.

During the trial a video, where the actor says: ‘I would not shoot him in the chest’, while she cries.

Aisling Moore-reed’s mother works as a defense attorney and has, in connection with the proceedings told that the daughter acted in self-defence.

the production company behind the film have also been out and comment on the matter.

They told in a message that they were bored of it on the actor’s behalf, and that they really felt with her when they found out that she had allegedly acted in self-defense.

Subsequently, they changed his opinion and came with a new opinion.

‘We need to be clear in the least about some rumors, which right now is in circulation. Our leading role is right now in a lawsuit, which we knew nothing about, before the production of the film was completed. Since we found out about it, we have had problems with to find out how we can best continue from here,’ it said.

the Trial for the killing is set to december, where a judge will decide whether the actor acted in self-defence.