The incriminating details loom in the svindelsagen on the Sign and Feld.

But the Danish people’s party chairman, Kristian Thulesen Dahl, still refuses to give the Extra Magazine and the general public insight in what his knowledge has been, inter alia, his closest employee’s false signatures on the hotelkontrakter as well as a fabricated invoice for up to half a million dollars.

return DF-the president is no trouble to repeat itself again and again, when it is about to give the fraud squad the atria.

Kristian Thulsen Dahl gets a lot of talk in circles without saying what’s great about Meld/Feld case. Photo: Jens Nørgaard Larsen

And it pushed the party’s top leader also makes the diligently aware of Additional the Magazine’s many unsuccessful attempts to get answers to questions from him – among other things, in the last week, when we first revealed that DF’s personnel manager had written under the as hotel manager on the two different contracts.

It is clear, according to Ekstra Bladet on Tuesday afternoon caught Thulesen Dahl, Folketingssalen.

– We would really like to hear what you have done by the fabricated invoices? How have you responded to them?

the Danish policy – 7. dec. 2019 – at. 23:22 Messerschmidts skandalefond: False bill of 465.625 crowns

the Danish policy – 4. dec. 2019 – at. 07:18 the european UNION-bomb under the Tulle: DF made fake hotel contracts

– I had the opportunity to already in the last week to tell Ekstra Bladet that I am waiting for the police to complete their investigation, so we all together can proceed on an informed basis.

– But whether you can have the people employed still, Jeanie Nørhave. And you have the continued confidence to Morten Messerschmidt for it here?

– I had the pleasure of already in the last week to have the Extra Magazine in my office. And there I replied, as I also do now, that I think it is true that when the authorities are in possession of all the material in this matter, to then get the time to do their work is complete. So I am waiting for the police to complete their investigation. And I hope it happens quickly. For I have only an interest. It is, that the case is resolved as quickly as possible.

– But you may well answer what you have done to clean up yourself?

– But as I also said to the paper’s correspondent in my office already last week: I think it would be right is that when things lies with the police, so get the opportunity to do their work is complete. It is true that it is there, it is carried out. When it is finished, I am sure that we will have the opportunity to look at it again.

– But without going into detail, there are many cases, which is about the fraud in the society of the time. And it has been on the agenda inside this chamber today. Can you please tell how you, as the writer with the highest responsibility for some of the people who apparently have crafted this stuff, react when you found out about it?

– I have it on the way, that no matter how you ask about the same, so I have the same answer. I have full respect for journalists is good to ask in different ways about the same. But I have the same answer: I will not go into the parts about it here. I have very great confidence in the work of the police. And when they have – I am absolutely convinced – full access to everything that needs to be able to assess the cases, it is there, you must carry out the assessment.

– Makes the In also, all what I can to assist the police in their work? And put everything back, what they ask for, asked Berlingskes journalist.

– Yes, it is my opinion that we have in such a broad sense – quotes ‘we’ – done in a very long time.

– Also in relation to the bookkeeping, that might be for both the Sign and Feld. It is something, and Morten Messerschmidt, make an extra effort to get delivered?

– It is my opinion that it has been for the longest time. I put to reason, and I think that I can put for the reason that the police have access to not just the things, as an Extra, the Magazine writes about, but also all sorts of other things. It is therefore, I think it is the right place. The police must come forward with what they believe, there is up and down.

– Are you familiar with any charges in the case?

– I will not go into any details about it here. As I have said now on a number of issues, it would be right that the police should have the opportunity to assess the matter.

– But you do not feel at a time that you will have to go out and do something more to it than you have done until now? For it might appear to be a little convenient to say, waiting for the police. But there is indeed a case which martrer you.

– It’s not about whether something is convenient. It’s about to get things settled right. And I think just to promote the possibility that the case can be settled properly, if you allow the police about it. I must just refer me to as chairman of the Danish people’s Party, that when the police have access – and I know – to the materials that may be interesting and relevant to them; I know everything that should be in the case. So we must also rely on, that they need to do their work.

the Danish policy – 4. dec. 2019 – at. 20:23 Qvortrup: Monumental disaster is threatening the Danish people’s Party

– But is there not something about the case, which is about what can’t be explained can’t be defended? And here we have to do with false invoices, which seems to be crafted internally in the Meld system. So no matter what the police reach, so it’s hard for you to explain?

– As I said before, is not about what is convenient for me. It’s about reaching the right decision. And it needs the police to reach. So you have the complete right, then there is an intermediate stage, where, of course, be very rare, if things were settled a long time ago. I have no interest in the case pulls out.

See also: Olaf on contract to 933.000 kr.: DF-adviser to be passing confidential information