the Case of the controversial fake footballer Bernio Verhagen took Monday a new turn, as the dutchman fled from the police and his detention following a threat of violence and røveriepisode against his ex-girlfriend in a kiosk.

Therefore he was called for – but the police could maybe just follow on hollænderens Instagram account, if they would apprehend him.

For here he pitched through the evening more updates up in his story. First he stayed in Aarhus – and then a longer statement, in which he first explained that voldsepisoden was blown up. And then stated that he was on his way to Sweden.

‘today I left the prison, and right now I’m on the way to a good friend in Sweden.’

‘I’m going to remain silent until trial 10. January.’

At Monday’s trial in Viborg, denmark, he was also charged with further acts of violence against the ex-boyfriend, prompting the judge to extend the remand to the and with 10. January.

But the part of the was Verhagen apparently did not agree and took the escape.

At the Middle – and Vestjyllands Police is, however, not so convinced about, that Verhagen has been either in Aarhus or on the way to Sweden. Thus, pointed out efterforskningsleder Christian Toftemark over to B. T., that he believed that Verhagen was still in the town.

And vagtchef René Pagh tells that the police is familiar with the notices.

– You have to like to write things on Instagram, and we follow as with in what he writes, he says.

– We have received some inquiries both from the people who have seen him, and from people who have read the messages. And we would still very much like to have inquiries, stresses René Pagh

Bernio Verhagen has since the start of november has been the centre of a bizarre case.

5. november announced a week LATER that the club had signed a contract with the Dutch offensivspiller Bernio Verhagen.

the Club felt that it had reached an agreement with Verhagen under false pretenses.

26. november terminated the Viborg contract, and the same day he was arrested in connection with the tumult in a kiosk at the train Station in Viborg.

English soccer – 16. dec. 2019 – at. 14:30 run away from the police: Football player wanted

See also: Tried to cheat Superliga club

English soccer – 27. nov. 2019 – at. 15:48 Judge varetægtsfængsler skandaleombrust footballer

Viborg – 27. nov. 2019 – at. 15:39 Now comes fodboldsvindler with the bizarre claim