Tivoli need to find a new senior director.

Lars Liebst, who has been the executive director at Tivoli since 1996, has thus started a succession together with the company’s board of directors.

It tells Tivoli, in a communication to the stock exchange.

– the Board of directors for the Tivoli has just adopted a new strategy, which I, along with Tivoli’s board of directors, managers and employees have been working on for a year, and it is a good opportunity to give the baton.

– I have agreed with the board that I will continue until my successor is in place, ” says Lars Liebst in the message.

the Tivoli tells, to work to find a successor to Lars Liebst has been started.

Lars Liebst has in recent years scored the box as tivolidirektør, shows Extra the Magazine’s review of the accounts.

Alone in the last five years he has pocketed approximately € 45 million. kr.

Recently he got into the 2018 4.2 million. kr. in salary, a bonus of 4.6 million. kr. as well as 600.000 kr. in the pension.

Among his successes is an online casino, a new food mart and, not least, he has made Tivoli a helårsvirksomhed. Total had the Tivoli gardens open in 282 days in 2018, which is 39 more than in 2017 and the highest number ever.

the Extra Leaf has written this portrait to the Tivoli topchefen:

Close to Tivoli’s top ceo: So tough is he