Lyngby has been solved its målmandsproblem.

the Talented Oskar Snorre was during his lejeophold in Norwegian Haugesund an injury that required an operation. The talented 20-year-old goalkeeper is out for the next 6-8 weeks, and Lyngby was therefore, and lacked a reserve for Thomas Mikkelsen.

Him, they have now found, and there is talk of an old favorite.

Superliga oprykkeren has signed a contract with Danish-icelandic Frederik Schram, which in the autumn was rented out to The royal blue from the SønderyskE.

Schrams agreement with denmark lost expired at the end of the year, and he has since been on klubjagt.

He has been a visit to trial period 1. denmark Fremad Amager, but is then back in Lyngby, where he has scored an agreement that runs for the rest of this season.

– He has some of the values that we would like to see in our players, and he contributes to the culture of the club with a strong attitude both on and off the field.

– in Addition, he is a skilled goalie with great potential, which we want to develop. Therefore, it makes good sense, and we look forward to continue the cooperation, says the team he will play for Birger Jørgensen for lyngby ‘ s website.

the 24-year-old Schram is listed for a single pokalkamp for the club.

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