the Two Lithuanian craftsmen – without registration – based in these days, an annex and a terrace of a cottage, which belongs to the Skatteministeriets permanent secretary, Jens Brøchner.

the Price sounds on 172.500 dollars for the annexe alone. In addition, the price on the terrace.

Now Ekstra Bladet can reveal that while the Tax has strengthened the fight against undeclared work and foreign workers, there are conditions of the skattechefen, as will the trade union 3F to sound the alarm.

– It is suspicious, what is going on at the departementschefens cottage, says Keld Jensen, a consultant in 3F.

When the Extra Leaf in the last week visited the cottage in Rørvig in north Zealand, it was clear that the two workmen staying in the cottage, within the early morning work starts.

– If you let someone stay in his holiday home, while doing a terrace and extension, there are also some alarmklokker, as ring points out, Keld Jensen, who himself has visited the construction site.

The two workmen sleeping on the night in the cottage. Photo: Anthon Unger

On the most basic questions about employment and salary corresponds builders elusive and inconsistent. And after a call to the boss communicate to the Lithuanian artisans, that they no longer can work in Denmark.

– I know very well what this visit means, says the one of the Lithuanian artisans. A tall, older man.

Builders have, however, indicated to both the Extra Leaf and 3F, they are working for a Lithuanian company by the name of ‘UAB Lauvista’.

in the Middle of January has been – according to his own admission – been started in a week’s time. Yet the work on the departementschefens cottage is not recorded in the statutory RUT-register of foreign workers.

– Foreign service providers must be registered in the RUT register with the various tasks and addresses, once the work gets going, says arbejdsmarkedsforsker Jens Arnholtz, Faos, University of Copenhagen, denmark.

– Otherwise, the labour inspection, Tax and other authorities do not check whether everything is according to the rules, he says.

The Lithuanian company UAB Lauvista seems otherwise to know the rules, since it has registered to work on another north zealand address in 2020. Therefore wondering the trade union, it has not been done by Jens Brøchners cottage.

– We often see that there may be problems with the settlement of tax, in the case of foreign companies, which have reported a specific task to the register, as they must, say 3F-consultant.

– we are also good fear is applicable in this case, says Keld Jensen.

the Craftsmen at departementschefens cottage informs of 3F, that they do not have any employment contract.

– We also asked them how much they get in salary, and they are not fully aware of. But they do not get salary in your hand. ‘Money in the hand’, he said, says Keld Jensen from 3F. 3F has now reviewed the case at the departementschefens cottage to the labour inspectorate.

Jens Brøchner is ‘superærgerlig’ and says to Ekstra Bladet, that he made the contract with another company named VK-Build.

the Director may not, however, live with the uncertainty about the construction of his cottage.

– in Order not to run into a situation in relationship to anything I have terminated the contract immediately, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

3F has now reviewed the case at the departementschefens cottage to the labour inspectorate. It has not been possible to get a comment from VK-Build

now Remember to ask for evidence of correct registration, when there is talk about foreign labour.

this is the sound of the council on the, if regular people want to ‘avoid the black work’.

the Director of Taxation, Jens Brøchner, asked no questions or requirements for documentation, when he met the two Lithuanian artisans in the cottage between christmas and new year.

It informs the craftsmen, en Ekstra Bladet visited them at the cottage, which the director confirms.

– He was here at christmas time, where he walked around a bit, but we talked not really with him, says one craftsman in English.

Thus acting director, contrary to what arbejdsmarkedsforsker Jens Arnholtz would have done.

– I would even as a private individual, make sure that there is a contractual wages, and that they complied with the conditions set in the legislation, with among other things, the registration, he says.

Wires to the Lithuanian gravel road

As the minister for employment raged, Mette Frederiksen (S) against the confusion of ‘fictitious’ Danish companies with foreign labor.

At the construction site at the departementschefens cottage is just a Danish-Lithuanian company-confusion.

While the two builders say they are working for the company UAB Lauvista in Lithuania, so get there to the job site delivered materials to the Danish company VK-Byg Aps with the address of a residential street in Hellerup.

It shows delivery on the delivered wood on the ground.

the Owner of the VK-Build Virginijus Kicas, which until 2013 had the address the same place as the UAB Lauvista in Lithuania.

Namely, the number 10 on the dirt road Meskenu in the village of Patasine two-hour drive from Lithuania’s capital of Vilnius.

Under the 3F’s visit to skattechefens cottage came a company car from the VK-Build running, informs 3F-consultant Keld Jensen.

– We ask the driver who he works for, and he says UAB Lauvista, he says.

He could not answer the question of why he drove in a car from the VK-build, says Keld Jensen.

It has after repeated requests not been possible to get a comment from the owner of the VK-Build, Virginijus Kicas.

None of the companies associated with Jens Brøchners cottage has a contract according to the 3F.

UAB Lauvista has 33 employees and an average monthly salary of nearly 6000 kr. in november 2019, according to a business registration in Lithuania.