One of Helle Thorning-Schmidt’s first deeds as president of the Social democrats in 2005 was a brutal show of power.

For the open screen in DR2’s Deadline fired her efterlønsordfører Bjarne Laustsen, because the two disagreed on the Democratic line on just the voluntary early retirement scheme.

Then she answered directly when asked whether she could live with having a rapporteur, who believed the exact opposite of her although the voluntary early retirement: ‘No, I can’t’.

– Then he should not continue as efterlønsordfører?

– No, he shall not

See also: Thorning-Schmidt fires efterlønsordfører

But on Wednesday night revealed Helle Thorning-Schmidt on national television in John Langkildes sofa-based input methods, ‘The Political talk show’ on DR1, that the cash the dismissal of Laustsen was going too far.

It was true that the guys Laustsen, maintained Thorning. But it was probably a tad too violent, that it was too open.

it Was as an excuse to Bjarne Laustsen, would host Johannes Langkilde know.

– Yes, you may well call it. Also, I believe I have said it to him though, it sounded from the earlier S-president and prime minister.

But there is just one problem.

Bjarne Laustsen has never gotten an apology from Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

he says to Ekstra Bladet.

– If she has said sorry before, so it has been very low. I certainly have not heard it.

– But I take, of course, against the excuse. Better late than never, says Bjarne Laustsen.

Laustsen told in the program that he, in connection with the dismissal as efterlønsordfører was one of Thorning-Schmidt’s well-known MOUSE-talks, where he was given a ‘cold wash’ in just four-five minutes.

According to Helle Thorning and the two politicians, however since 2005 ‘had fun together’.