It can be awfully hard and life-changing to be in a life crisis, but one must not give up hope, for out of the crises there can grow something beautiful.

something like encapsulates the Danish singer and actress Xenia Lach-Nielsen message in Susanne Bier’s big hit from 2012, ‘The bald hairdresser’, as in the forthcoming time is set up as a musical.

In musicalversionen of the romantic comedy occupies Xenia Lach-Nielsen starring as the hairdresser Ida, who will be affected by cancer and, at the same time discovers that her husband, Leif, is betraying her with Anonymous from the department.

But as Ida travels to her daughter’s wedding in Italy, she meets businessman Philip, which is itself in crisis after having lost his wife in an accident, and the two find love in each other.

– I think that the story is a good example of that when one is right at the very down, you can usually not see that there can come something good out of the crises, on the other hand. But one should not believe that something is over, or that life is a closed door, because you are experiencing crises.

– It is a cliché that crises make you strong, but I think even a lot of, say, Xenia Lach-Nielsen.

The 48-actress has experienced plenty of crises in his life, both emotionally, professionally and medically.

She has among other things been affected by the four diskusprolapser in the lumbar region – and has just come out on top on the latest.

I played three theatre shows with a herniated disc last year, and it can beat a full pounding to have so extremely many pains, and you just can’t be in itself.

– I chose the quite stubbornly, that I WOULD carry out the three performances to see if I could come out on the other side. And I did, but it was very, very, very hard, she says.

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When she played a role in King Arthur at The Royal Theatre in 2019, was Xenia Lach-Nielsen among other things, a walking stick, as she could support him, because she almost could not stay standing up.

But she came first and foremost through on stubbornness.

I decided that I would conduct the performances, because I had experienced a slipped disc three times before, and I have been so insanely frustrated with it.

– ten years ago I got a herniated disc that I had surgery for, which I almost could not go. I was at the end of the 30’s and a relatively young and fresh man, but suddenly I was paralyzed and had so much pain that I could not move around in some places or be a mother the way I would like, tells Xenia Lach-Nielsen, who has a daughter, Rosa, with actor Peter Gantzler.

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– When you stand in such a situation, you think: ‘I kraftedeme’t let me bully again’, she says.

today it seems Xenia Lach-Nielsen, that she has learned a lot from that experience such strong pain.

– The helbredskriser, I have had, have both given me a greater vulnerability, but also a glance of what I will be and not be.

– When I was younger, I could easily whup ass so hard, that I could work beyond my own limits. But today I have been better to stop before I exceed them, she says.

‘The bald hairdresser – The musical’ has premiere 5. march.

in Addition to Xenia Lach-Nielsen, Niels Olsen, Maria Lucia, Bodil Jørgensen, Silas Holst and Jakob Fauerby in the cast.