See also: ‘dancing with the stars – the musical’: Clean plattenslageri See also: ‘dancing with the stars – the musical’: Clean plattenslageri

If you must say something positive about ‘The bald hairdresser – The musical’, then it is that it is exactly as you had imagined it would be. If you must say something negative about ‘The bald hairdresser – The musical’, then it is that it is exactly as you had imagined it would be. On the way it lives up to everyone’s expectations.

This is probably the explanation as to why the duo Susanne Bier and Thomas Helmig already before the premiere had devoted impressive the 70,000 tickets sold.

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In a time where everything can seemingly be transformed into musicals (yes, I am thinking in particular of ‘dancing with the stars’) to understand how to set good Bee idea to transform his “blockbusters” from 2012 on for a singspiel. It has certain similarities with the extremely popular ‘Mamma Mia!’: Sammenbragte families meet for a wedding in idyllic surroundings under the southern sun, and things didn’t go quite as planned.

so far, So good. Bees (who is also a producer on the show) and her firm manuskriptmakker Anders Thomas Jensen have solved the problem by cutting the already banal story into to the pure cliches, and so, incidentally, omit all that which, despite everything, gave the film a certain romantic charm. Here I am thinking not least on the interaction between Trine Dyrholm and Pierce Brosnan, who actually oozed of mutual sympathy.

Film, tv & radio – 17. mar. 2019 – at. 22:53 After criticism: Netflix changes the Susanne Bier-hit

Now is the so-called romance between Ida (Xenia Lach-Nielsen) and Philip (Niels Olsen) the pure postulate. It also applies, incidentally, everything else in the ‘action’. Olsen can’t do, that he is not Brosnan, but it should perhaps have had in mind when they rewrote the story. It appears that he is very hard to keep of. And it can’t be his sangtalent, which has secured him the role.

The parallel history with the bride and the groom Astrid (Maria Lucia) and patrick’s (Silas Holst) pangs are virtually non-existent in this version, and therefore it also seems quite sought, when it suddenly goes wrong. If you’ve seen the movie, you know the good course of events, but here, it comes completely out of the blue. But okay, so we get as a chance to see ‘dancing with the stars’-vinderparret even a sore place.

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When we now besynderlighederne: Astrid is played as mentioned by Maria Lucia, who, as some may know, is quite pregnant. It is so big dresses do not hide, and therefore, it seems outright bizarre that it is not addressed in the performance. It must after all be said to have certain implications in relation to a cancelled wedding. I am aware that it has not shown, as the action was written, but then one must either write it on (it had basically only required a sentence or two) or find a second to act the role.

I’m aware of that, in musical context, is expected to swallow the very large narrative camels, but here it seems either pure laziness or that you expect that the audience are idiots. In the same way as when the bald Olsen troops up at the hairdresser and ask to get shelled the pages. Yes, so did he also in the movie, but that was the role played by a man with hair on his head. It could probably be solved more elegantly. In any case it is hard to imagine that it could have be done more clumsily.

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But now it’s a musical, so the music plays of course a role. What the narrative is concerned, makes the songs either from or to, but as I said, also to overlook. From a purely musical sounds the ten Helmig-compositions which typically Helmig with a discreet musical dispute. They bear, in other words, seems to be what they are: A bestillingsopgave. It is resolved, without anyone can complain, but it’s probably only ‘New day’, which finds its way to the Helmigs upcoming concert repertoire. And then, there is also four songs written by someone who calls himself Jaybros. Them pass we in silence.

in turn, is the set design (by Benjamin la Cour), which primarily consists of video projections – and thus pointing to French models such as the film – very elegantly done, and the same applies to the choreography. In other words, good, but what does it help, when the content is so thin. The biggest bright spot is without a doubt Bodil Jørgensen, which is the only repeater from the film, but here it has taken over the Paprika Steens role as the møgirriterende aunt. She does supreme. So a star to each of them. The rest is forgotten when you leave the foyer.

Medv.: Xenia Lach-Nielsen, Niels Olsen, Silas Holst, Bodil Jørgensen m.fl.