First download one billions of images out from among others Facebook, YouTube and thousands of other websites. So to make an advanced app, you in the blink of an eye even can upload a picture and get a firm answer on who is on the picture you’ve shared with the app.

Precisely how has the company Clearview AI built a global database, which can reveal as well as all the people out from their face.

the Work is done in secret, but the company has this year been revealed by the New York Times. And when it happened, guaranteed Clearview AI, that it is only approved authorities, for example the police, who can buy themselves access to the deep private data.

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John Catsimatidis is the billionaire at its supermarkets. And he is zealous about who his daughter associate. Why was the app from Clearview AI is also quite useful, as he had to check who she dated. Photo: Seth Wenig/Ritzau Scanpix

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But the very same newspaper has just revealed that it is a lie.

Among other billionaire John Catsimatidis, who owns a chain of supermarkets in the UNITED states, has thus gained private access to the app and used it to reveal who his daughter was on a date with.

As the daughter, and the date troppede up at a restaurant, got Catsimatidis waiter to take a picture of the man. The uploaded billionaire then to the app, it immediately found out who the date was.

the App has also been used to detect shoplifters, who stole the animals is from Catsimatidis’ supermarkets.

According to the New York Times is the billionaire, however, just one of several wealthy minority – primarily investors – who, through their personal contacts to Clearview AI has been given access to the app.

Allegedly, among others, actor Ashton Kutcher among them, running around with the app on his phone. An app, he publicly called deep scary.

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Ashton Kutcher is known for her acting, but also a very active investor in several technology companies. Photo: Mario Anzuoni/Ritzau Scanpix

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the Founder of Clearview AI, Hoan Ton-That, according to the New York Times does not see the problem.

He believes that the app – which is likely to contain your face – similar to Google’s search engine.

In Denmark the police also, in order to be allowed to use facial recognition on a large scale in the public space.

it Happens, they can also buy access to the Clearview AI, which, among other have Peter Thiel as an investor. Thiel owns the research firm Palantir, which is precisely the Danish police have paid millions to create a digital database for the investigation.

See also: Copenhagen Police will have access to face detection