They have already traveled to remote areas, paramotorized across the Atlantic and flown over Australia.

Hugo Turner and Ross Turner (also known as the Turner Twins) are now embarking on a new adventure. They will be attempting a 100 percent emission-free expedition to the Atlantic Pole of Inaccessibility.

The Blue Pole Project powered By Quintet Earth is the name of the voyage. It will take approximately six weeks for the pair to sail from the UK via the Canary Islands, Azores archipelago, and to the Atlantic Ocean point farthest from land.

The Turner Twins will depart at the end of June on a 12-meter yacht equipped with a prototype hydrogen-fuel cell. This is in an effort to bring attention to hydrogen fuel technology and ocean advocacy.

Explore expeditions

They will also depend on hydrogen to power their equipment, which is made from renewable energy, rather than fossil fuels.

They have already visited four Poles of Inaccessibility and are now collecting data for Plymouth University’s International Marine Litter Research Unit. This will help to develop a strategy to clean up marine plastic pollution.

Ross Turner, CNN Travel’s chief executive officer, said that “the core of what we’re trying is to discover something new.” To be curious and to use science and technology to make our trips more sustainable.

“And if they can prove that [the new technologies] have more sustainability in extreme environments, then that should be a good example to everyone back in cities and normal living that the new sustainable technology are very user-friendly every day.”

The Turner Twins, who hadn’t been on major expeditions since 2019, are excited about the upcoming adventure.

Their journey together started at a young age. They say that they spent a lot of time “losing in their gardens” in their youth, before they could explore Dartmoor National Park in southwest England, which is a large moorland in Devon.

Hugo Turner broke his neck in a freak accident. He had to have neck reconstruction at 17 which set them on their path to professional adventurers.

Ross Turner says, “I believe for us, life got placed in perspective.” “And we just thought, it’s time to live our lives while we have our health.

“So, we rode across Atlantic when we were 23. We’ve continued to go on more expeditions since that time.

These expeditions included climbing 18,510 feet up Mount Elbrus, Russia’s snow summit, and crossing the Greenland Ice Cap.

Each of these trips has taught them something but they highlight their 2017 trip to the South American Pole Of Inaccessibility as the most difficult.

Hugo Turner says, “What an idiotic journey that was.” “They say ignorance can be bliss. It was very foolish to travel from the south coast of South America to Arica, the northern tip Chile, and up the Andes.

“We went from sea-level to 4,700m in three days with 50 or 60 kg on each bike. We rode through deserts and straight uphill.

The Turner Twins will become the first to reach five POIs once they have completed their latest journey. They will be the first to do so — Australia, North America, South America and Iberia. However, they insist that this is not the motivation.

Record-breaking journey

Hugo Turner says, “It’s never been so important to us that we be the first to attain these polls of access.” He explains that their main goal is to help those who follow their path to learn something.

“Whether it’s geographical sustainability, medical research or environmental sustainability — none of these polls are documented — that’s what the entire base of these expeditions is to discover something.”

Although they had to find different solutions to ensure their next voyage is emission-free, they say it was relatively easy in many aspects.

Ross Turner says, “In terms propulsion, as long you have an electric battery, once it is drained we sail and then the propeller recharges our engine.”

“We are using the same systems that we used on all previous expeditions with little modifications to make it more sustainable and emission-free.

“We are just applying what we have learned in a slightly new way.”

Each Turner Twin is grateful for a companion who shares their dreams as they prepare to embark on yet another important trip together.

Hugo Turner says, “We are incredibly lucky.” We share the same goals and aspirations and are completely aligned in our pursuit of what we want. All else follows.

There are many heated discussions, debates, and conversations about the best way to reach the endpoint.

Modern adventurers

“But, you know that it always steers the ship. We’re both in agreement with that. This is the foundation of a successful partnership.

They have been spending 16 hours per day on the Blue Pole Project yacht in preparation — both admit that it has been intense and they are eager to get started.

Ross Turner says, “I look forward to sailing under stars with this boat.” “And I’m certain we’ll have many beautiful moments.”

After they have completed their expedition to the Atlantic POI the pair will embark on a tour through the UK stopping in around 13 ports.

What’s next for Turner Twins? Greenland and Madagascar, Eurasia, Point Nemo, the other Poles inaccessible, are all possibilities.

Ross Turner says that an expedition to Madagascar next year is “on the horizon”, and then a trip in the following year to Greenland.

Next on the list would be the Eurasian POI, but a possible visit is currently uncertain.

Its exact location is disputed. However, it could be found in the northern region of Xinjiang. This autonomous territory in northwest China has been accused of human rights violations.

He adds that he doesn’t know if they can make it there. Then he explains that they plan to travel to Point Nemo in the Pacific Ocean’s POI.

They are not planning to visit the African POI (located near the border of the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan).

While they are on their epic journeys around the globe, sustainability is at the forefront of their minds. The pair hopes to help normalize hydrogen use.

Hugo Turner says, “It would be wonderful to be able in the future to do a fully-hydrogen-powered project.” “That would be a great step in the right direction.”

Follow the Turner Twins as they embark on an epic journey through their official website or their Instagram account