GPT-4 will have a prominent role in content moderation very soon. This is the bet made by OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT and promoter of artificial intelligence tools that now want to fully land in the field of content restriction on the Internet.

The company’s objective is to use GPT-4 to “create a content moderation system that is scalable, coherent and customizable”, and with AI it will be possible to do this task “reducing the cycle from months to hours” in the development of policies and applications of regulatory changes.

In this sense, GPT-4 can analyze the different regulations and nuances of content policies and instantly adapt to any update, thus achieving more consistent content labeling to help companies carry out around six months of work in about a day.

“We believe this offers a more positive vision of the future of digital platforms, where AI can help moderate online traffic in accordance with platform-specific policy and ease the mental burden on large numbers of human moderators.” have assured Lilian Weng, Vik Goel and Andrea Vallone of OpenAI.

The company explains that the process will begin “once a policy has been drafted,” at which point “policy experts can create a data set by identifying a small number of examples and assigning labels according to the policy.”

GPT-4 will take care of reading the policy and assigning labels to the same data set, and then creating a dialogue between the AI ​​and the human where GPT-4 reasons its labels, analyzes the ambiguity of the policy definitions, resolves the confusion and Please provide further clarification in the policy as appropriate.