Astro’s Playroom’s first riddle — how to free the Bloodborne bot

Astro’s Playroom first riddle involves a Bloodborne character and a test of your PS4 gaming knowledge if you want to unlock the game’s latest DLC trophy. A bunch of new Astro’s Playroom trophies have arrived as free DLC, each of which will require you to solve a fiendish riddle. That said, if you want to avoid getting a headache while revisiting one of the best PS5 games ever, simply use the guide below to solve the first Astro’s Playroom riddle featuring Bloodborne character Lady Maria!

Astro’s Playroom Bloodborne riddle solution

This first riddle was unlocked for free at the launch of those Astro’s Playroom DLC trophies for 2024. It entails releasing a robot dressed up like Bloodborne The Old Hunter’s Lady Maria from captivity. To start your mission, you’ll first need to head to the first section of GPU Jungle, Renderforest.

From your starting position, move forward up onto the higher plateau and search around for a Bloodborne-themed robot being filmed for one of the game’s cameos. Behind their position, you’ll find a tuft of grass like the one shown in the screenshot above. Stand there for two seconds and a new platform will appear with the Lady Maria bot trapped within a capsule.

If you go over to the capsule, you’ll see a screen appear with what looks like a clock face. You can’t interact with this screen, so don’t drive yourself crazy like I did wondering how to make it work. What you’re actually looking for is a small clock-shaped interface hidden in the Renderforest that resembles the one shown on this screen.

The clock-shaped interface can be found in the tree canopies in the direction that the Lady Maria bot is facing. In the screenshot above, you’ll see that once you’ve scaled your way up there, the clock interface is embedded into the tree trunk itself. To get up to this level, you’ll need to scale the rocky terrain near the Bloodborne character, beat up some baddies, spin attack a flower, and then use its vine to cross to the canopy.

Now that you’ve found the clock-shaped interface, you might be wondering how to interact with it. Position Astro in front of it, you’ll need to press the Options button on your DualSense controller. I know it feels like you should use the Square button or something, but turns out the solution is to use the PS5 equivalent of the Start button instead.

Interacting with the clock-shaped interface will bring up a screen that prompts you to input the day, month, and year of a mysterious thing. Your first thought might be to use Astro Bot’s PS5 release date seeing as these DLC trophies have been added to get us excited for the upcoming new game.

The solution for this riddle is the release date for Bloodborne The Old Hunters DLC: **November 24, 2015**. See the screenshot above for an example of how to input the date. Depending on which part of the world you live in, you might need to swap the month and day inputs to get this to work.

Once you’ve input the release date, the Lady Maria bot will be set free and you’ll unlock the first of Astro’s Playroom’s 2024 DLC trophies. That’s all there is to it! Now, if you’re playing this close to the release of these DLC trophies, you’ll just have to wait until the next guest character gets added to the game later in 2024. What will the second riddle involve? That’s all a mystery for now!

All of this free DLC certainly got me excited for Astro Bot, one of 2024’s hottest upcoming PS5 games. Were you able to solve this Bloodborne-themed riddle all by yourself? Or did you ultimately get frustrated looking for the clock-shaped interface? Let us know down in the comments below!

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– Astro’s Playroom has new DLC trophies that you can’t unlock yet
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Written by Lee Brady
Staff Writer Lee keeps one eye on the future (Shadow x Sonic Generations), one eye on the past (PS1, PS2, and PS3 games), and his secret third eye on junk he really likes (Final Fantasy, Sonic, Kingdom Hearts). A PlayStation fan since childhood, he loves nothing more than to scrutinize PS Plus and PS5 player data.