The Mobile World Congress is much more than the place where the latest news in telephony or video games are exhibited. This may be the most attractive offer for the general public, but the Barcelona event also makes known the technology that will become part of our daily lives and will forever change the way we relate to the environment. A technological proposal based on Artificial Intelligence that will bring professional responses that require immediacy and urgency with a simple click or a simple voice command.

This is precisely -immediacy and urgency- is what issues related to health or an accident usually require and the reason why insurance companies seek new ways, based on the use of Artificial Intelligence, to improve the customer experience. and expedite communication between it and professionals in the sector. Whether it is a matter of notifying a simple car crash report or a medical consultation, the goal is immediacy and simplicity.

These new forms of communication go through virtual assistants that, through conversational AI, open a direct contact channel with customers, reduce response times and allow them to get to know them better thanks to the analysis of virtual interactions. This allows companies to personalize their messages to policyholders in real time and simplify the processing and data collection processes, shortening annoying processes that usually take time. In fact, this tool has already been available for some time for motor insurance and will soon be extended to commercial and home insurance.

Another of the fields in which AI has come to stay is the new mobility. Scooters, electric bicycles and electric cars are gradually shaping a new urban landscape to which insurers have wanted to respond.

In addition to various types of specific insurance for users of this type of vehicle, the company’s most innovative and sustainable proposal is MAPFRE’s BATRAW project, which is already developing the processes that will help recover the minerals from batteries that have reached the end of their life. of its operating cycle.

The objective of the Spanish company with this program is to recycle these minerals and reintegrate them into the manufacture of other new batteries -either for automotive or for other uses- to reduce the potential risk of contamination that waste deposits can represent where today they are being stored when you reach the end of your recharge limit. An initiative that is part of the circular economy and is subsidized by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe fund for R&D aid.

Undoubtedly, one of the direct consequences of the pandemic has been the popularization of telemedicine. If at one time it could have been seen as something impersonal, the long period of confinement caused by the coronavirus completely changed that perception and had the effect of making the client take control of their health at any time and from any device. The next step could not be other than to take advantage of this circumstance to launch new services in which the digital interconnectivity between doctor and patient was taken to its maximum expression.

There are several companies that already incorporate digital health platforms with doctors who provide a personalized service through video consultation, telephone and messaging. The most immediate future of these services involves a much larger project, that of the “Digital Hospital”, a virtual space that will encompass all the medical services, both online and in person, for emergencies, specialty video consultations, analytics and tests that companies provide to their clients. insured. The objective is to create a comprehensive health concept that is available 365 days a year 24/7.

Furthermore, for the first time, telemedicine reaches physiotherapy by offering a pioneering service based on Artificial Intelligence that allows patients to be treated remotely. Through a web/app, patients will receive personalized treatment online with therapeutic exercises guided virtually and by voice, receiving immediate “feedback” to find out if they are doing them well and, if necessary, correct them. Specialists have called it “phygital health”, a concept based on improving the user experience through the mix of offline physical and online digital aspects.

None of this would make sense if the digital divide with older generations increased. To avoid this, and as Juan Cumbrado, Director of Innovation at MAPFRE Spain, explains, “all new services have the voice as an enabler. It is that beyond having to touch a key, the person can interact with her voice. They are even working on a conversational assistant that is capable of detecting loneliness or respiratory problems simply through the ways of speaking. Through non-intrusive devices we will soon be able to even guess moods, without the need for interaction”.