The president of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, has sent a letter to the Minister of Transport and Mobility, Óscar Puente, to subsidize the transportation of Mallorca fans to the Copa del Rey final that will be played in Seville on April 6. . Prohens asks the minister to apply the 75% discount that regular flights have to charter flights departing from Mallorca.

Mallorca has proposed that there be more than 20,000 fans at the final in Seville, but the logistics are not easy since there is no flight capacity to meet this demand, so the packages that are being scheduled exceed in some cases the 1,000 euros cost. The price has caused discomfort among fans due to the significant outlay.

The president’s proposal has raised controversy among some opposition parties, such as Més and Més per Mallorca, who have accused Prohens of populism. The PP has also registered a proposal in the Balearic Parliament in this same sense. In it, it intends to urge the Government of Pedro Sánchez to facilitate the transfer of fans and apply this discount temporarily to flights organized expressly for this trip.

In the letter he sent to Puente, Prohens points out to the minister that there is a significant number of inhabitants of the Balearic Islands who have tried, without success, to obtain a ticket for the final in Seville against Athletic Club de Bilbao. He claims that regular services do not have the capacity to transport such a number of travelers, which has led several companies to charter charter flights.

Prohens believes that these transportation difficulties represent an inequality with respect to Bilbao fans “to the extent that insularity represents a disadvantage in situations like the one described above.”

The Balearic president believes that the public powers have the obligation to “implement and promote” policies that promote compensating and alleviating the negative effects of insularity and remembers that the result of these policies is the 75% discount on the price of residents’ trips. in the Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. She reminds that this measure will not apply to the majority of those displaced from Mallorca.

For this reason, given the “extraordinary situation” of this party, and with the aim of “promoting equality between the inhabitants of different territories of our country”, Prohens requests Minister Óscar Puente to extend, exceptionally, the bonus in the Charter flight rates for trips made on the occasion of the Copa del Rey final in Seville.