Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and packaging waste came into force on December 29, 2022, a new standard in line with the current situation of our planet and environmental awareness.

From January 2025, product packaging will change. And the new marking of these containers will come into force, with very valuable information that is of great help so that consumers know where we have to throw them away.

That is, at the beginning of next year, we will be able to recognize in a much simpler and more effective way where each container goes, ensuring that everything will go where it should, and not only at a domestic level, thanks to the containers located in the streets, but also at an industrial and business level.

The law does not stipulate that there must be homogeneous and official labeling in this regard. Simply, the containers must clearly reflect in which container it should be disposed of. It should be noted in this regard that, according to a recent study by AECOC Shopperview, the pictogram most recognized by citizens is the Ecoembes “Recycle” symbol, which is already present on half of the packaging on the shelves.

This law, which has been with us for two years now, and the upcoming implementation of mandatory marking, will undoubtedly help make it easier to use discarded packaging and, in this way, give our planet a break.