Raindrops spew bacteria into the air as they burst—and it's kind of beautiful
Joung et al. Nature CommunicationsVisualization of bioaerosolsRaindrops might be pumping bacteria into the sky, according to a study published today in the journal Nature...
This is what happens to your body as you die of dehydration
Moyan Brenn via FlickrWandering around the desert is a good ?irinevler escort way to get dangerously dehydrated, but severe dehydration can also occur in...
Earth’s first continent? Probably a giant continental crust
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Francis ReddyArchean Earth might have looked like this artist's interpretation - a pale orange dot.Unlike modern Earth which one might...
Want people to volunteer as lab rats? Turn your science into a game.
St. Martin's PressPower PlayPower Play: How video games can save the world by Asi Burak and Laura Parker.The following is an excerpt from Power...