A car chase in the Swedish capital of Stockholm ended the night of Tuesday, quite severely in a bad car accident, where a middle-aged man lost his life. Two others were also seriously wounded.

The dramatic episode took as its starting point, when the police pursued a car thief, who drove off in a stolen Audi with a license plate that belonged to a completely different car.

Under the biljagten in southern Stockholm drove the 20-year-old vanvidsbilist so fast that he ended up running into two other cars.

It writes multiple media including Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter

The car, which police chased, bumped into two other cars, said police spokesman Per Fahlström to Aftonbladet.

The 20-year-old vanvidsbilist was also injured in the accident, because the Audien among other things, caught fire. He is also a quite known face in Sweden. He was the protagonist of a tv-documentary made by SVT’s investigative editors ‘Uppdrag Scrutiny’. Here was the 20-year-old described under a different name like ‘Hassan’.

the Documentary, which aired last year on the SVT, described, among other things, how the young ‘Hassan’ already as a 12-year-old committed his first robbery, and at the age of 14, committed his first act of violence against another person. It was also indicated that ‘Hassan’ from the time he was 15 years old until he was 19 years have been suspected for the whole of the 221 crimes in just four years.

The 20-year-old vanvidsbilist was being chased by a Swedish police car the night of Tuesday in the south of Stockholm. (Photo: Ritzau Scanpix)

Vanvidsbilisten was already known in the Swedish media as 16-year-old, where he has created lots of attention because he ran off from various ungdomshjem to steal expensive luxury cars. He was often involved in police chases, where he ran from the police with speeds up to 230 kilometers an hour. Therefore he got by the press nicknamed the ‘vanvidsbilisten’.

As a minor was ‘vanvidsbilisten’ convicted three times for among other things, thefts and mistreatment. But in the summer of 2018 he got his first prison term by age. He was convicted of two robberies, two serious thefts and two cases of rough handling of stolen goods. He got a sentence of two years and six months. But he was already released from prison in the month of October last year, although he had behaved quite badly in connection with his imprisonment, there was only a little more than a year.

In the Swedish media, as well as on the social media, there has been expressed great anger over the incredible case. And many people have expressed criticism of that ‘vanvidsbilisten’ was released so quickly from the prison.

Contributor Oisin Cantwell writes thus, in a column in Aftonbladet:

‘So he was eventually charged with a vanvidskørsel fatal. The young man is already suspected for over 200 crimes, and he has been the protagonist in a tv documentary. He was already in the night’s tragedy a symbol of the failure of the community’.