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Then he went no longer.

After a number of years to have used very obscene examples to spice up juraundervisningen up is University of the board for equal treatment have been found guilty of sexual harassment.

See also: When the wise behave like fools

The male lecturer in property law at The Faculty of law had, according to his own admission, ’over the years accustomed to a certain frisprog’, and according to the university, he was very popular among the students.

However, not with a female college freshman, who didn’t think it was funny, when he’s in an explanation of the legal concepts of principal obligation and biforpligtelse asked the students:

’You go to a hooker and must have a bread, what is the respectively. head – and biforpligtelse in the performance?’

In an explanation about the difference between real estate for commercial or residential asked the teacher whether the university could be characterised as residential, if anyone stayed for the night.

See also: Danish university prohibits these costumes: Seems like extreme ‘overkill’

Then he asked: ’What if (a named teacher at the university, red.) shagging his secretary in the office after the christmas party?’.

In an explanation of the actual defects – in an example of a house that had a high surface area specified in the salgsannoncen, ie. an area that was much smaller in reality – said the teacher:

’Here, the buyer is not informed about the size. Like many women have been duped in the course of time thanks to the lighting, incense and various medications.’

But the woman seemed certainly not, it was fun.

She complained to both the university and the board for equal treatment, because she ‘saw the statements as kvindefornedrende and offensive.’

the Statements ’seksualiserede and objectified women and created a learning environment where female students felt safe’, she argued and got right in, but no reimbursement.

It is the board’s assessment is that the teacher, by presenting the facts that opinions have shown a conduct that is the subject of ligebehandlingslovens definition of sexual harassment’, writes the board for equal treatment.

’the Board has particular emphasis on the opinions as a result of their nature and extraneous sexual content was both appropriate and had the effect of violating the dignity of, because they created an unpleasant climate in the long-term course, which took place as part of the university.’

even before she complained to the board for equal treatment, she had complained to the fakultetsledelsen, who called the teacher for an interview.

’the Outcome of the conversation was that he for the future would clean its teaching of examples and opinions as the of the complaints listed.’

the University complained that ’the teacher is obtained with the opinions of the complaints were deemed to be insulting to her.’

’the Statements made within the context of regular education, and it was not the purpose to violate the individual persons, including the complaints’, tried the university.

Kristian Cedervall Lauta, vice dean for education at The Faculty of law, writes in a comment to Extra Blade.

‘I can confirm that we have been a party in a case before the board for equal treatment regarding. statements made by a teacher. We are on the faculty agree Ligebehandlingsnævnets decision. Therefore, we acted immediately, as the student turned to us. We do not experience it here as a general problem, but accepting, of course, is not the kind of professional unnecessary language in the classroom.’

In the explanation of the kautionsformer and how to ensure these were, for the guarantor, wanted the teacher to describe how they became more and more attractive. He therefore chose to describe it so that kautionsformerne supposed to be women, which became more and more scantily clad, which led to the safest: ‘a beautiful woman in French lingerie’.

About the term ‘without undue delay’ wrote the teacher on the board, that it was believed ‘ASAP’, and said then, that there once was a song contest song, which was called just that, but he ‘could not remember the name of the singer, since he probably had more busy looking at something else or two other things. She was a nice girl’.

Read the entire case at the board for equal treatment.

See also: Danish university prohibits these costumes: Seems like extreme ‘overkill’

See also: A year after the KU-shitstorm: Everything is being flipped and rotated.

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