the Tv doctor Charlotte Bøving have long been fighting a battle against cancer, and when she in september was to control, was the message disheartening. Here it said that you had found some spots on one lung, and further scans to determine what it was.

The message is now come, informs she is on Instagram, where she writes:

‘I’ve got the sweetest message… my spots on one lung is almost gone…! Only one is back… I have Never been so relieved and happy’.

See also: Tv doctor reveals: Got the discouraging message to the control of cancer

to Ekstra Bladet confirms she is the joyful news.

I sat with goose bumps, when we should have the answer, and my gf broke down and cried for half an hour. She was so relieved, tells 52-year-old Charlotte Bøving, and stresses that the tears were tears of joy.

– this is The first time that I’ve been nervous before a scan. I’ve got so much to live for with my new girlfriend, family and so on. You can’t avoid to go around and think that it can be a completely new cancer, but I have allowed myself to live in the meantime.

Charlotte Bøving with his new girlfriend Christina. Photo: Anthon Unger

She confirms that there is nothing to suggest that metastases have spread to the lungs, as she feared.

– Professor in Aarhus estimated that it has been a inflammation, no pneumonia or anything else. When it goes back, suggesting that the inflammation or the infection is on the way back. To march he hopes that the last spot is gone. It does not suggest that it is nothing serious, says Charlotte Bøving.

See also: DR-Charlotte’s scoring: My girlfriend named Christina

How is it to get such a message then shortly before christmas eve?

– It is the greatest gift, I was afraid that I would not reach to get the answer, she says with clear delight in his voice.

so What is the status of your kræftforløb?

the Status is that there is no visible cancer on the scans. I’m being followed every third month, and I still get my medicine. The should I have the rest of your life, she explains and rounds of:

– I will never be acquitted for the diagnosis. The tumors tend to smolder. My advantage is that my primary cancerous growth has grown slowly. It has been there all the way back in 2010 and developed slowly. It is my good fortune. The Status is that it is not my trip just around the corner, she says.

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Back in november 2016 got Charlotte Bøving, which among other things is known from the DR programme ‘the Doctor moves in’, found incurable bowel cancer, and she has since gone to the annual checks, so the doctors can constantly monitor how the disease develops.

Kræftsygdommen the last year, among other things resulted in several operations, where the tv-the doctor has removed many centimeters of bowel, and has been hospitalized several times for tamslyng.

In October she would reveal that she was gone from his wife Pernille and had taken together with Christina Jørgensen.