Two large tombs have been discovered and excavated at the ancient city of Pylos in southern Greece.

A team of archaeologists from the University of Cincinnati in the us state of Ohio have been excavating the two burial chambers, which are about 3,500 years old. It writes the university in a press release, according to the, where you can see more pictures from the excavations.

Although the tombs had been plundered in antiquity, have the archaeologists found thousands of pieces of gold leaf that once lined the burial chamber.

the Tombs was originally built as the beehive-like domes, known as the tholos, but has collapsed with the passage of time. The largest of the two graves was a little under 12 metres in diameter, and the smaller tomb was 8.5 metres.

The princely graves paints a picture of the accumulated wealth and status, believe the researchers. It contained amber from the Baltic, amethyst (the gemstone of the quartz group) from Egypt, imported carnelian (also quartz), and lots of gold.

at the same time the tombs located in a beautiful setting with look out over the Mediterranean sea, at the place where the palace belonging to king Nestor – known from the famous works the Iliad and the Odyssey, and later on had to both rise and fall in ruins.

It is interesting about this finding is that the tombs are from before the classical Greek era of Homer’s stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey – they are the first 700 years later. The tombs are therefore, from a period of time, which is not well documented.

The new findings will help to change the perception of Pylos.

– If you are looking at a map, is Pylos a deserted area. You must cross the mountains to get here, ” says Sharon Stocker, one of the archaeologists from the University of Cincinnati, which is behind the found.

– But if you come from the sea, this location made more sense. It is on the way to Italy. We are to understand that this is a very central and important location in the bronze age trade route, she said in the press release, according to

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