There is no doubt that the today 23-year-old Malou Friis, who starred in last year’s game of ‘Home to the farm’, is a woman with ben in the nose.

Shortly before the filming of the TV2 programme in the summer of 2018 was she just graduated as a farmer, and it was certainly evident on the screen, that she had completely mastered life on a farm.

After the eight weeks of the program began Malou on his work as a farmer, but just a month after it went totally wrong. Malou was kicked by a cow, which would not cooperate with the milking, and it has proven to result in serious consequences for the young landmandskvinde.

See also: Wreck in the TV2 program: Here you have seen her before

– I still have discomfort after being kicked by the cow. I have daily pain in the head, the neck and between the shoulder blades. So I take strong painkillers every day. It is very hard. I go fuldtidssygemeldt, and unfortunately, there is no recovery. Of course it has been better since kicked on the way that I no longer have the hurts right there, where I was kicked, but otherwise there has not been that great, tells Malou to Ekstra Bladet.

– I can’t really do anything, but I hope that I soon will put in some physical training, so I can train the neck up again. The doctors do not believe, however, that I was ever going back to the farm life again. My neck is not clear. So I do not know just what needs to be done, she continues frustrated.

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Malou was taken to Reality Awards, along with many of the other ‘Home to the farm’-the participants. Photo: Jonas Olufson.

Malou regret that she has spent three and a half years of training, she now can not practice. What she now must use the future is yet uncertain.

– It is mega annoying when you have just graduated and so need to find something new again. I see, what time brings, but I know not yet what it should be. Maybe something foderkonsulent. I have not completely lost hope, and I just hope that I can continue in something within landmandsretningen in spite of everything, she says.

Fortunately for Malou, she has also had little success in the difficult time. Back in October 2018, she found namely along with her boyfriend Michael Hansen, who is the brother of Rikke Hansen, who also starred in the ‘Home to the farm’ together with Malou.

– It goes really well with the us. We have lived together for half a year, and it goes great with it, tells Malou happy.

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