According to Inger Støjberg (V) announced his candidacy for the næstformandsposten in the Left, sent the president of the Liberal party regionsbestyrelse in the capital a mail to Ellen Trane Nørby (V).

In the email, he encouraged her to enrol as a candidate.

– What I wanted was an option for the Liberal party members, so you will be presented with a finished package, but that one gets a real choice, says Bo Madsen.

Ellen Trane Nørby said Monday evening in an interview with the newspaper in Denmark, that she also is candidate for the post of vice-president. It means that there will be elections, when the Left holds extraordinary national convention 21. september.

OVERVIEW: party members who want Støjberg as vice-president

Before Ellen Trane Nørby Monday reported his candidacy as the Liberal party’s vice-president, has a number of party profiles indicated that they believe that the former immigration and integration minister Inger Støjberg should become the new vice-president of the party.

Støjberg was the first to announce his candidacy, and right now there are elections on the way between Støjberg and Trane Nørby.

Jakob Ellemann-Jensen is currently only formandskandidat

Get here an overview of the Left members, who support the Støjberg:

* Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, the political rapporteur and formandskandidat in the Left, To Jyllands-Posten:

– Inger is almost the personification of a flow in our party, which it is important to listen to. Inger and I have different ways of addressing things. I think that we together embrace the wider, than I do alone. Therefore, I think Inger is a strong card.

* Karsten Lauritzen, defense, and the former has grown, to Politiken:

– To the vice-president shall be called Inger Støjberg, is about to be able to make a good team.

* Sophie Løhde, vice-president of the Liberal party folketingsgruppe, to the news agency Ritzau:

– I have no doubt that Inger Støjberg could be a really good vice-president for the Left.

* Marcus Knuth, member of parliament, on Facebook:

I wholeheartedly endorse Jacob Ellemann-Jensen and Inger Støjberg as president and vice-president – if they otherwise would.

* Michael entrepreneurial environment Jensen, member of parliament, to DR:

– I’m pointing personally at the Inger Støjberg. She is a big capacity for our party, he says, and elaborates, to Inger Støjberg, as vice-president together with Jakob Ellemann-Jensen as chairman will be “a perfect comedy”.

* Carsten Kissmeyer, member of parliament, to DR:

– Inger Støjberg is a good example of our new vice-president – perhaps in a construction where we have two vice-presidents.

* Erling Bonnesen, mp, to DR:

She could definitely be a good bet. But it has to be up to Inger Støjberg, and possibly others to come out, whether they want to put up.

* Preben Bang Henriksen, member of parliament:

I hope that Inger Støjberg can be vice-president. She will be the perfect match (with Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, red.).

– Important, however, Ellemann and Støjberg on all key policy fields get aligned position, so that we do not about half a year to a reconstruction of, for example, disagreements on the SV-cooperation.

Aliens and spokeswoman on integration Mads Fuglede, finansordfører Troels Lund Poulsen, kulturordfører Britt Baker, færøordfører Thomas Danielsen, and a member of the Danish Parliament, Lars Christian Lilleholt has also expressed support for the Støjberg.

Sources: Ritzau, DR, Politiken.

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Bo Madsen call both Inger Støjberg and Ellen Trane Nørby for ‘hammergode candidates’. It is his opinion that they both will be able to gather the fragmented Left, but of course there are minor differences.

– Ellen Trane Nørby appeared during the negotiations on the reform, she loyally stands at the head of a project, regardless of the fact that it gave her some scratches in the hinterland, says Bo Madsen.

– She is the loyal party soldier, working for the project, she will be put in charge of. So I think also that she may be a good unifying effect for the Left.

Leif Krarup, who is the president of the Left in the Region of southern denmark, have also called for more candidates.

– There is no harm to a democracy that the delegates have several candidates to choose from, he says.

She is very concerned that the vice-president will be to ensure that the leadership listens more to the regional and the municipal hinterland.

In the context, he does not hide that he supports Ellen Trane Nørby.

– Therefore, support the I Ellen Crane, because I think it is important that we get created a good dialogue between the different stages, ” says Leif Eriksen.

At the Left in the central denmark Region will be the chairman of the regional board Jens Nicolai Vejlgaard let the delegates at the extraordinary national congress take a position on who they want to get as vice-president.

He does not want to put a name on who he’d prefer.

– It will certainly not do anything, that we have a vice-president who listens to the backcountry, he says.