In tonight’s episode of ‘Luksusfælden’ went to the experts to Horsens, where they met the pair of Ravna and Eric, who dreamed of buying a house, but was held back by eric’s tax liability.

the Experts had barely stepped through the door, before it struck the sparks between them and the participants.

the Pair had been given the 12,000 crowns of eric’s mother, so they could get a ride on the Copenhagen based metal festival Copenhell’. The experts believed the money was better spent on reducing the tax liability, but Eric and Ravna refused, as they thought, it would be unethical to pay with a gift.

See also: ‘Luksusfælden’experts, the drop participant: – Do you kidding us?

from there it went only downhill, but if you ask the protagonists themselves, have been smeared just legitimately thick on in the program.

– That has been tampered a little with the numbers to get it to look worse than it actually is, explains Eric

– In the program the sequence (fremlægningen of the couple’s consumption, red.) 15-20 minutes, but it took three and a half hours to film because we were so disagree with them.

In the program describes the pair among the second expert Kenneth Hansen (to the left in the picture) behavior as ‘childish’. Photo: TV3

Among other things, the couple is not satisfied with the way, the experts have figured their consumption out on. For example, they believe that madposten is shot well and 1,800 dollars over goal.

We disagree with them in their calculations, and how they have reached 5.800, says Eric.

– They have not spent the time to understand how our economy actually worked.

Also the couple’s consumption of fast food is, according to them, even heavily overrated.

– When we are at Copenhell, so it is, for example, three meals a day per man for four days. It will be counted as junk food, explains Ravna.

See also: Downturn after ‘Luksusfælden’: the Wreckage from his new job

all in All think Eric and Ravna not, they have got something positive out of being in the program.

Our message to people is: Let hell be joining you. It may well be, you stand and think you are in trouble, but there must be other ways to get help on. The voksenmobning, as the experts exposes one of, is not worth it.

I was about to hurl them out several times, because they were so irreverent, the fifth year of Ravna.

Expert Jan Swyrtz (in the picture) is probably not welcome back in Horsens, denmark, on a provisional basis. Photo: TV3

Their involvement has therefore not brought the big changes in their lives – if you look away from the one point:

– It has changed how we see the program, when we see other section. Both because we now have stood on the other side and seen how much is the clip from, but also the experience of how the two experts behaved – they were insanely condescending, tells Eric.

– I will not say that they have worsened our situation, but they have not done that terribly much better.