the Municipalities must declare the newcomers refugees jobparate.

It is decided by the previous government in a tripartite agreement in 2016, and it has resulted in the fact that almost 70 percent of all refugees today declared jobparate against the flimsy three percent in 2015.

– I hear the many times, many different people say it with that many more now are eligible jobparate – it comes almost to sound as though we have solved the problem of employment, and it fits the not, says Mette Blauenfeldt, director of the Centre for Vulnerable Refugees.

– We have not solved anything by moving people from one box to another box. It is the same people, it is the same challenges they have, and it requires the same handheld, targeted effort to get them to work.

The political resolution also means that traumatized people are at risk to be sent in for work or activation, they are not prepared for it.

NyDanmark – 11. dec. 2019 – at. 12:04 Mini-documentary: Here it goes completely wrong at the job centre

Welcome to the Extra Magazine Special

Extra Magazine Special is a quality stamp. It is a new brand for our very best and most thorough journalism. I think you should read.

In this Special series we focus on how immigrants continue to struggle to get a place in the labour market – and on what we will get for the 13 billion dollars, to be used each year at job centres to provide all danes work.

Poul Madsen, executive editor-in-chief

NyDanmark – 11. dec. 2019 – at. 07:05 Job cost 13 billion – but no one knows the effect

Ask the minister

Ekstra Bladet has asked the minister for employment Peter Hummelgaard to make up for an interview about job centres and the effect they have. But what would you ask the minister whether, if you had the opportunity?

Send your questions to and tell like, why this question is important for you to get answers to.

In Additional The project ’Job-gakgak in NyDanmark’ trying editor-in-chief Poul Madsen and bridge Özlem Cekic to help a move into work. He declared jobparat of the municipality, but since it actually succeed Extra Leaf to get him a job, it turns out that he is too ill.

– It that you now declare far more jobparate, can easily mean that the refugees are being imposed on wagers, as they are not ready for, and which in the worst case can worsen their condition, says Jacob Arent, there is the research director specializing in the migration of the Rockwool Foundation.

– They will be required to participate in some virksomhedspraktikker and meeting up on the jobs, and if they have PTSD, it is not certain that they can cope with it.

– Some can, but it is also well known that it can be difficult to function in a workplace, when you have a trauma, says Jakob Arent.

the Difference lies in the fact that there are specific requirements, if one is declared ’jobparat’, whereas as ’aktivitetsparat’ receive special offers and the rights that can be beneficial for traumatised refugees in the baggage.

Özlem Cekic – 11. dec. 2019 – at. 10:21 13 billion. kr. for the pure job-gak-gak

by Poul Madsen and Ms Cekiq discovered in the project ‘Job-gakgak in NyDanmark’, how difficult it can be to get a traumatized refugee sluset into arbejdsmarkdet. They got a moving a work, but he quit already after three hours. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

All researchers, Ekstra Bladet has spoken with, recognize that it may be beneficial to meeting newcomers as a resource and as a labor. Marie Høgh Thøgersen, who is a psychologist and Ph. d in human rights organisation, the Danish Institute Against Torture, stresses the importance that refugees quickly get a work.

– Even the hardest-hit torturoverlevere say they will work, she says.

the Psychologist believes, however, that municipalities lack the knowledge of the trauma refugees have in his baggage. She states that there is a need for special programme, which supports traumeramte in the transition from treatment to job.

– We, unfortunately, often cases where the traumeramte has been sluset out of the labour market, without adequate treatment or support needed.

– The risks to have a relapse or be knocked back to the start. It is a sin for the individual and costly for society, says Marie Høgh Thøgersen.

Mads Fuglede from the Left believe that it is the local authorities ‘ fault when traumatizing refugees declared ‘jobparate’ without being it. Photo: Jens Dresling/Ritzau Scanpix

Left: the Municipalities fail

It was Lars Loop (V) government, which had negotiated the agreement in place, as in the day means that the number of new entrants refugees declared jobparate.

Mads Fuglede, there’s lot’s of foreigners and spokeswoman on integration has taken to the experts ‘ criticism.

– I have no doubt that there are traumatized refugees, which is declared jobparate, even though they are not really jobparate. But we also hear from the experts, that it is good to make demands on refugees, even if they have the trauma – as long as they are at the same time helping them for their trauma. I have, therefore, hard to follow with the criticism, he says.

– A new report shows that the municipalities often do not comply with the time limits, when it comes to send this group of citizens out in activation. It may be because they are declared jobparate without actually being ready to participate in this kind of company-bets?

– No, I don’t believe it.

– I think the municipalities will fail us in this area, when they do not send people in activation. There are a number of offers, where you can activate the citizens in a gentle way, so that when the municipalities are not using them, it’s a failure.

– What do you mean with, that the municipalities are failing?

– There are a number of deals in the country, which local authorities can use. For example, we have a rehabiliteringsklinik and a trauma center, which is some of the best in the world in this area, and we have multi-purpose buildings, which is skilled at getting people into work. I visited the House Venture in Ballarat the other day, and there they have a success rate of over 80 percent. But it requires that the municipality puts the resources of and give priority to the area. It is certainly not the solution just to let the stand to, as some municipalities do.

municipalities Are dressed proper for this group of citizens?

Not always. And it is a big problem that these people encounter people at the job center, which is not at all equipped to deal with trauma, but we actually have knowledge and experience in the country, the individual municipalities can draw on, if they want to.

– the local authorities Are good enough to pull on it?

– No. They pull just on it in too low degree, and it means that we see progress that is not satisfactory.

Tell your story

Have you been in contact with a jobcentre or work there? So will the Extra Magazine would like to hear your story.

What matters from job centres, should Extra Leaf throw themselves and what is right and wrong in the debate about the 13 billion dollars, annually to be used to obtain available in the work?

Share your thoughts and your knowledge in an e-mail to – discretion is given, if this is desired.