Casper Balo from this year’s ‘Paradise Hotel’ has already set new standards for how childish one can afford to act in a realityprogram. It came to pass, for example, when he was tøsefornærmet and refused to speak with or give a hand to Türker Alici, after he had thrown Anna Seneca out of the program by a parceremoni.

There was also, when he asked his friend Daniel to get his pants back, as Türker had on. Türker, therefore, had to strip in front of everyone and deliver the pants to the middleman with a puzzled:

– Is it serious?

And then there was when he, along with Daniel ostentatiously put himself in the emperor and the empress’s throne, because they felt it should belong to them and not Sarah Dohn and Türker Alici.

But in today’s section, he set entirely new standards. Here was the partner Freja Rømer sent out from the hotel, after he himself had become a locked pair with Heidi Jeppesen. It meant that he had to have new sengepartner. Or how wont it to be.

– I think you sleep best on the couch, says Casper Balo in the section addressed to Heidi Jeppesen, in sync commenting on the bombastic announcement:

– I have never heard before, that a man said to a woman, that she should sleep on the couch. Even though you are adversaries, I think it is very disrespectful and says a lot about him as a person.

There was otherwise plenty of space in the bed, if Casper jerked slightly to one side. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

As darkness falls, one can see how Heidi Jeppesen would have to settle with the couch while Casper Balo is located in the middle of the bed and spreads.

When the Extra Leaf captures Heidi Jeppesen over the phone, she is still deeply puzzled.

– It did very much hurt me. One thing to be angry over the tactical. But to go so far that you tell, you can’t stand to sleep in the same bed, as they usually always do, it was not so gentleman-like. After all, it was him who didn’t like me. It was strange that he chose to play the king and took the bed, sugar, she.

Forbade he you decidedly to sleep in it?

– He forbade it not, but he made it decidedly hard to say, I would like to sleep there. Of course you don’t want to sleep with someone who is so childish and spiteful. I can well understand that he had a hard time over losing his partner, but I would never draw the line so hard up and erect me on the way, says Heidi Jeppesen.

Casper Balos game at the hotel is about to crumble. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

the Choice to lock to Casper Balo was a turning point for her time at the hotel. And it was not for the positive.

– I was actually fine enough in the hotel, up to the moment, but it started to slip for me, and I started to feel exposed. The tactical took over, and it was difficult to talk with the other group. I was rejected and ignored. Eventually I stopped just to say something. I felt not welcome, she says.

Heidi Jeppesen stresses that she is still getting fine out of it with Türker Alicis large group, as well as that she has moved on. She just hope that Casper Balo will look inward.

– I will not throw rocks, but I hope he can see that it was not completely fair in the situation. It is not that I need an excuse. We’ve spoken since, where we could speak together as adults.

Heidi Jeppesen believes that Casper Balo behaved childishly and viciously. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

Casper Balo does, however, not much for Heidi Jeppesen’s criticism. He, however, considers that it was completely justified that she was relegated to the couch.

ever since I found out that there was that shitty-preservation, I have known that Heidi would make out with me, so it was not a surprise for me. But in the situation it was crap, and I certainly didn’t want to have her as a partner, he says, and continues:

– Regardless of whether it had been Heidi, Türker, or a whole fifth, I had to sleep with, so I had invited them to take the couch. For why should the person take Freja space in my bed, when the person has just been to throw the Case out?

– But could you not just have taken the couch, if it was such a big problem for you?

– In that it was my room from day one, so, of course she does not have the space in my bed. I sacrifice not me even when she just walked towards me.

– So you are fully stuck, that your behavior at the hotel was in order, and that it is in order to recommend her to the couch?

– When you is the one that ends up on the couch, you will always think it is a bit bummer, and you will be bitter about it. But it is a game. She should keep her mouth shut and move on. If she defies me again, so she referred me to a sofa again, he says cool.

– you Can understand that there are viewers out there who don’t believe that you behave particularly nicely?

– I am a pissearrogant person, and I knew that I would get much hate, when I came home. But it bounces of me. The only thing I can’t take is when it starts to be turned against my family. It is not in order. Fuck everything else. They can write what they want about me, he says, and continues:

– I feel damn good, that I can vouch for the way I am. They cut it in the worst way, and you see the not much of it good. You can only see that Daniel and I are running around and playing alfahanner, even though we are totally outplayed. So we have lost viewers in advance.

– But you may well recognize yourself on the screen?

– I think I’m the person that I am, in fact, inside at the hotel, and I don’t regret anything. You can either like me or not.