The sum of the rights of the Popular Party and Vox could unseat the socialist Javier Lambán from the presidency of Aragon, according to the survey carried out by GAD3 for the regional television stations that make up the Federation of Autonomous Radio and Television Organizations.

According to the poll published after 8:00 p.m. by Aragón Televisión, the PP would obtain between 28 and 29 deputies and Vox between 7 and 9, whose sum would be enough to achieve the 34 seats that grant an absolute majority in the Aragonese Parliament (67 seats ).

For its part, the PSOE would obtain between 22 and 23, somewhat less than the 24 of 2019, while its left-wing partners, Podemos and Chunta Aragonesista, would obtain worse results. The formations of the center, Ciudadanos and Partido Aragonés, disappeared from the parliamentary arc, where Teruel Exite-Aragón Existe would enter with two deputies.

The PP-Vox combination would also be key in the Zaragoza City Council, where the popular have governed for the last four years. According to the survey, the PP would get a great result by rising from 8 to 14 councilors, while Vox would double its presence by obtaining 4 representatives. The sum of both would be enough to exceed the 16 councilors who grant the majority.