The table president in Mallorca who went for coffee and never returned has not been the only one to abandon her colleagues in the electoral college. In Llaranes (Avilés, Asturias) a man who had had to be vocal told the rest of his table that he was going to smoke and did not return either.

In this case, in addition, the man had received before leaving the 70 euros that corresponded to him for carrying out the task during election day, according to La Nueva España.

The local police went to the man’s home and did not find him there, according to sources cited by the Asturian newspaper, which stated that he is a man “with a long criminal record.”

Going to the polling stations to be part of the polling station in the case of having been notified is mandatory and has financial compensation. The amount in these elections is 70 euros, five euros more than in previous elections. The electoral law establishes that to be part of a polling station one must know how to read and write and be under 70 years of age. The penalty for abandoning it or not going there without justifying it is three months to one year in prison or a fine of six to twenty-four months.

Once the appointment has been notified to the president and members of the polling station, they can claim within a period of seven days before the Zone Electoral Board the justified and documented cause that prevents them from accepting the position. The Board will resolve in five days and notify the interested party of its decision.