The first poll at the exit of the ballot box predicts that the Seville city council would change color, since it grants between 13 and 14 councilors to the PP, which with the 3 that it foresees for Vox, would add enough for an absolute majority (which is at 16 councilors). .

The survey carried out by the consultancy GAD 3 for TVE and Forta, grants another 13 councilors to the PSOE candidate, Antonio Muñoz, who would lose the mayoralty by not obtaining sufficient support, not even adding up with the rest of the forces of the left, since that With Andalusia he would obtain only between one and two ediles.

According to this estimate, Adelante Andalucía would be left without representation, so it could not serve as support for Antonio Muñoz. The same fate would run citizens.

According to this survey, the popular Antonio Sanz would not be the most voted by far, but he could not obtain the mayoralty by himself, he will need the help of Vox. However, the PP candidate already commented in an interview with La Vanguardia that he would have no complex in agreeing with this group.

Without there being so much difference between the number of councilors that the survey gives each one (13-14 to the PP and 13 to the PSOE), the Socialists would have the problem that the other leftist parties do not seem to get enough support to be a support enough. Vox, for its part, may prove to be a strong enough cane to bring the popular to City Hall.

If the estimates of this survey are met, the Popular Party would be the force with the most votes in the municipal elections in the eight Andalusian capitals, reaching an absolute majority in two of them, Almería and Málaga.

With the rest, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén and Seville, he would add a sufficient majority with Vox to win the mayoralties, according to the GAD-3 survey broadcast by Canal Sur.

If so, the shift in the municipal map would be very significant, since all the capitals would be governed by the blues and the PSOE would lose the 4 capitals that it currently controls, including Seville, the largest city governed by the socialists in Spain.

In addition to the mayor’s office of Seville. The GAD3 poll predicts an absolute majority in Malaga for the popular Francisco de la Torre, who has held the Mayor’s Office since 2000, with 16 councillors, followed by the PSOE with 10, with Andalucía (confluence of Podemos and IU) with three and Vox with two.

In the capital of Cádiz, the ‘popular’ Bruno García would be the successor to José María González ‘Kichi’ with between 11 and 12 councilors and could add to the highest bracket with Vox, which would have two mayors. The PSOE would be the third force with between six and seven councillors, followed by the candidacy heiress of ‘Kichi’, Adelante Izquierda Gaditana, which would achieve six, while Podemos would reach one. The leftist forces would add a majority without the PP not reaching the best data assigned by GAD3.

In Almería, the PP candidate María del Mar Vázquez would revalidate the position with 14 councilors to seven from the PSOE, four from Vox and two from Con Andalucía.

In the capital Córdoba, the current mayor, José María Bellido (PP), would remain at the gates of an absolute majority with 14 councilors and would join Vox, which would achieve four councilors. The PSOE would be left with seven councilors and Vox and Con Andalucía with four.

In the capital city of Granada, the popular Marifrán Carazo would obtain between 12 and 13 councilors and would add a majority with Vox, which would achieve four councilors. The nine councilors that the survey attributes to the current mayor, the socialist Francisco Cuenca, would not add a majority with the councilor that Granada United for the People would obtain and the one that could reach the candidacy of Podemos.

In Huelva, the PP candidate Pilar Miranda would be the most voted with 12 councilors and would add a majority with the two or three councilors that the poll assigns to Vox. The current mayor, the socialist Gabriel Cruz, who governs with an absolute majority, would be left with between 11 and 12 councilors and would not add a majority with the councilor that he would obtain with Andalucía.

In Jaén, the popular José Agustín González would obtain 12 councilors and would add a majority with Vox, which would achieve two. The current mayor, the socialist Julio Millán, would be left with between 10 and 11 councilors and would not add up to the two to three councilors that Jaén Deserves More would reach.