“You disguise yourself as Robin Hood and in reality you are the sheriff of Nottingham”, said the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, to the President of the Central Government with fury. A supposedly insignificant moment but which perfectly summarizes the soul and the result of this sixth motion. It is certain that Abascal does not know – not so comic book lovers – the brilliant and very recent Nottingham, the work of Benoit Dellac and Vicent Brugeas. In this book the sheriff is no longer the villain, as in Errol Flynn’s films. On the contrary, 2023 is a respected, caring man who wants the best for his people. For this reason, in addition to collecting taxes and doing justice as the sheriff, that is, Pedro Sánchez, at the same time he fights evil by hiding behind a mask, being Robin Hood, that is, Yolanda Díaz. Times change and politics must change with the times. And this is what we saw yesterday: how the change of era and the era and its changes crept into Mr. Ramón i Vox.

Tamames starred in a journey through time, exiled inside himself throughout the session. The musings he saved certainly contained more political capital than he actually expressed. He did not technically adopt the role of president of the Council of State. There was neither opinion nor even a specific program beyond the bombastic request for electoral advancement and the surprising demand to the president of the Congress, Meritxell Batet, for a reform of the rules of the Chamber to delimit the times of ‘intervention; something incomprehensible when the president and the candidate are on equal footing with unlimited time in the motion. In politics, no one votes for the one who complains about the referee, Mr. Ramón. And he ended up lacking self-control when he interrupted, also unprecedented, the reply to Sánchez.

Time played such a role that, when it caught him, Tamames was aware of his defeat. It was appreciated in the tiny replicas, austere, without brilliance; none of which live up to their high accredited teaching. His most fearsome weapon, the image of the Academy giving a rebuke to professional politics at a very anti-political moment, shone by its absence. Tamames had transformed into Heli, yes. But the sharp voice of their lordships and the laughter of these days gave way to a deep and intelligent institutional look. And Sánchez entered the motion as he left it: without a scratch. He got the tone and content right, he was respectful and perhaps he lacked a winning movement of camaraderie, taking into account the candidate’s mobility difficulties: intervening from the seat as Tamames would have done at 10.

However, the one who won the most was Yolanda Díaz. His triumph in the censure motion was absolute. The motion will not move votes but transfers of confidence to the vice president. He left the Egyptian register for the Roman one, in an effective long pose of Spain wearing a white shirt like Ana Belén, taking advantage of the motion to launch the trailer for Sumar, his presidential candidacy on April 2. It has been a year and a half since we explained the mobilizing force of an idea: Yolanda as the first female president to wrest the third position from Vox as a condition to re-edit the coalition. Today, the potential of this operation, which was much criticized at the time, is proven and it is in the eyes of all of you. There is not a single socialist or member of the Central Government who does not defend this thesis today. Time is always the protagonist.

Diaz liked it, and a lot. His speech was rich in nuances and references. He claimed the PCE, democracy, the mothers of the Constitution, the welfare state, pensions, employment, the minimum wage, feminism, social policies, and even the management of the public debt. In addition, he had very good words for many of his colleagues, such as the president and ten ministers, including Nadia Calviño, Ione Belarra or Irene Montero, thanking all the political forces for their support. Nice clinch. With this he visualized his broad electoral corridor, not a corner. And he won the absolute balance of the motion, he strengthened the coalition. He dared to welcome Tamames to 2023 and reminded him, mind you, that they are the same unit: the sheriff (Sánchez) is Robin Hood (Yolanda), and Nottingham in the 21st century vibrates under the same hood. Hood’s. That of the coalition government.