The PSOE has renewed its image at the beginning of the new legislature by incorporating the national flag into the party’s motto: ‘Spain advances’. The change occurs after the appointment of the new Government and in the midst of a climate of social tension due to the amnesty law and the pacts with the independence movement.

The PSOE has decided to incorporate this symbol into its corporate image, which appears in its official communications, and on its profile on social networks. The new image also presides over the room where the Federal Executive Commission meets, where until now it read ‘Always forward’.

The slogan ‘Spain advances’ is not new, the PSOE already used it during the electoral campaign for the general elections on July 23 and also in the presentation of the agreement for a coalition government with Sumar, which Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz formalized end of October at the Reina Sofía Museum.

Now it is recovered as the image of the party along with the Spanish flag, a renewal that could already be seen at the event held this Sunday at IFEMA (Madrid) attended by more than 9,000 militants and sympathizers from all over Spain, all the socialist ministers and the vast majority of territorial leaders, with the main absence of the president of Castilla La Mancha, Emiliano García Page.

The PSOE organized this event to vindicate the Government that has just been formed and at the same time show an image of strength and unity after a month with daily protests in front of the party’s national headquarters on Ferraz Street and massive demonstrations against the agreed amnesty law. with the Catalan independentists in exchange for their support for Sánchez’s investiture.

In fact, at the IFEMA event there were numerous flags of Spain and the European Union, the same ones that have flown in the protests against the amnesty. The largest occurred on November 18 in the Plaza de Cibeles (Madrid) and was full of these signs.

In this regard, socialist sources give normality to the use of the Spanish flag at party events, although they emphasize that the PSOE displays the “complete” insignia, while in some rallies in front of the Ferraz headquarters some have been seen with the shield. clipped constitutional and even with the imperial eagle of the Franco dictatorship.

It is not the first time that Sánchez’s PSOE uses the Spanish flag for its political objectives. The now president already used it in his first proclamation as a candidate for La Moncloa, in June 2015. In the event he starred in at the Price circus theater in Madrid, Sánchez appeared before a large flag superimposed on a huge screen. With that resource he intended to give himself a presidential image that he did not enjoy at the time.