The Government presented this Monday, in the week prior to the 45th anniversary of the Constitution, a campaign aimed at making young Spaniards aware of the content of the Magna Carta and how it affects them in their daily lives. The campaign is promoted by the Ministry of the Presidency and wants to do pedagogy on the articles of the law of laws, starting from the premise that “until now there has been no serious attempt” to bring its content closer to new generations.

The objective is to highlight that the Constitution addresses “major social consensuses” such as those related to climate change, access to housing to be able to undertake stable life projects or the expansion and consolidation of social rights, among others. The Moncloa remembers that these consensuses were already being talked about in 1978 – the year in which the Constitution was approved in a referendum, on December 6 -, but considers that “today, more than ever, they continue to be necessary.”

For this reason, the campaign seeks to connect with young people by pointing out that issues of special interest to them such as the right to the environment, privacy, housing or the right to work are included in the Constitution, which would be a “program of life” for them.

Another objective of the campaign is to vindicate the strength of the 1978 Constitution after 45 years of validity. The Government wants to influence the idea that the Magna Carta “is for everyone and not for one against another,” because “in addition to being a rights program, it also defends dialogue, harmony or understanding between different people.”

At the same time, the Executive tries to escape from the framework according to which the constitutional debate is reduced to the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary and the amnesty, emphasizing that it is also necessary to address the development of rights and the climate of dialogue and understanding. political and territorial.

Moncloa considers that all these objectives are of special importance after years in which the process, the emergence and growth of extreme right forces or the partisan use of the Constitution by the right have led to the fact that in recent years, the Constitution has gone through “situations that have tried to call into question its strength”, a few years connected with the younger population that is now coming of age.

The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, has assured, in the presentation of the campaign, that “one way to honor the Constitution” is to follow the method used by the fathers of the Magna Carta in 1978: ” dialogue” and “understand between people who think differently”. He has defended this, within the framework of an event on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the Constitution, held in the Por Talento Digital space, of the ONCE Foundation.

Bolaños recalled that the Constitution was approved in 1978 “thanks to an agreement between different people.” “People who thought very differently and people who came from almost opposite sides and who were brave and spoke and understood each other. And 45 years later, still today the Constitution is a useful tool for our well-being and for our rights,” said the minister before dozens of young people who participated in the event.

The Presidency campaign contains various audiovisual elements. First of all, a spot in which it is the Constitution itself that, on its 45th anniversary, sends a message to young people. It will be disseminated through the official profiles of the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, and the Government on social networks, as well as on the Ministry’s website and on RTVE.

A digital edition of the Constitution has also been prepared, illustrated by the cartoonist Óscar Alonso, known as 72 Kilos, in which the content of the constitutional text is covered, through different vignettes, from a closer and didactic approach. In addition, more than 150,000 information posters have been distributed to institutes, Vocational Training centers and universities throughout the country.

The campaign will also be disseminated in the main train stations, as well as on different medium and long distance trains, and in the main airports, thanks to the collaboration of Renfe, Adif and Aena.