The harsh climate that permeates Spanish politics moved to the Zaragoza town hall this Monday. In the Aragonese capital, the PSOE urged the popular mayor, Natalia Chueca, to withdraw from the next plenary session a Vox motion that denounces the “coup d’état” of the socialist Pedro Sánchez, to whom he compares himself with “other great tyrants who liquidated democracy like Chávez, Maduro or Hitler.”

Before the press, the socialist spokesperson in the council, Lola Ranera, has asked the councilor to “stop being a puppet in the hands of Vox” and not allow the plenary session to speak in these terms.

“They are inciting hatred, confrontation and unrest. They look for anger and tension, and the mayor has to convey calm and serenity. Understand that this City Council is here to solve the problems of citizens,” she stressed.

Specifically, the Vox motion includes an initiative so that, while Sánchez’s government lasts, each plenary committee and each plenary session of the City Council opens with a few words “of rejection and denunciation of the coup d’état perpetrated by the PSOE and its partners.” . The text is scheduled to be put to a vote during the next plenary session on November 30.

For the PSOE, if this proposal is voted on in the end, it would be another example of the PP “being parasitized by the hate speech of the extreme right”, a drift that they called “very dangerous”.

“If she respects her position as mayor, she should not consent to a debate in this plenary session of the city council about the denunciation of a coup d’état by an already elected president,” he stressed.

However, their request has not found the response they expected. In a response letter, Chueca maintains that municipal groups have always enjoyed the freedom to present the political initiatives they consider most appropriate and that any debate has a place in the Zaragoza council.

“Also that of the amnesty law and the inequalities of the pacts of the president of Spain. I insist, it is like this and it will continue to be as long as I am mayor of the city,” she added in her response, in which she did not reveal whether or not her party will support the motion.