the Swedish ice hockey is affected by a really sad news.

The only 23-year-old NHL player Oskar Lindblom has been diagnosed with cancer, informs his club, the Philadelphia Flyers, on social media.

the Article continues under the tweetet.

the Club also enlightens that there is talk about the rare cancer ewing’s sarcoma that affects the bones, in particular children and young people.

Oskar Lindblom is planned to review more studies in the next week, after which you will start the treatment.

It is expected, however, that the swede comes back on the ice more this season where he has shown fine form with 11 scores and seven presentations in 30 matches.

– The Flyers will do everything possible to support Oskar and help him get the best treatment available, it sounds from the club’s president, Chuck Fletcher, who adds that they do not have any further comments out of respect for the player and his family.

Oskar Lindblom has played the best american league ago 2017/2018, and he was also a part of the Swedish national team that played the WORLD cup last year.

What is ewing’s sarcoma?

According to the Cancer society is knoglesarkomer a cancer type that occurs in the bones. Ewing’s sarcoma is one of the most common forms of knoglesarkomer, but is so rare a form of cancer, annually only hit two-three Danish children under 15 years of age.

It is typically children and young people affected by the disease – and boys are affected more frequently than girls.

According to the children’s cancer foundation, patients without metastases in half of the cases can be cured within the first three years.

ewing’s sarcoma is named after the american James Stephen Ewing, who discovered the rare disease.

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