When sprutten consumed, it disappears from the mind often. Not least among them, that should never drive a car. Thus, also in the course of fredagsdøgnet, as one of the year’s biggest christmas party-days and evenings took place around the country.

According to figures from the Rigspolitets National Færdselscenter were a total of 51 persons charged with either spirits or narkokørsel in the period from Friday at 00.01 until 23.59. The two categories of more or less drunken drivers were almost equal, since there was about 25 people with too much alcohol in the blood, and 26 persons with narcotic drugs (read: drugs) substances in the body, which was stopped and since the aim of the police raids throughout the country.

– the Figures show, unfortunately, too many motorists still do not understand the severity of driving with alcohol or drugs in the blood, says Christian Bertelsen, policewoman at Rigspolitiets National Færdselscenter, to Ekstra Bladet.

His point is underlined by the fact that almost there is talk about the status quo – and even a small increase – in the number of drunken drivers, compared to the corresponding fredagsdøgn the 7. december 2018. Then, patted the trap for a total of 49 persons, distributed on 23 drunk drivers and 26 narkobilister.

The 51 charges Friday are evenly distributed over the entire country – for example, five people charged with drink driving and one for narkokørsel with the east Jutland Police, who have the most citizens and the most to see in Aarhus and Randers.

the Majority of the charges were raised from out in the afternoon until towards midnight, informs Rigspolitiets National Færdselscenter.

– 51 is 51 for many, notes, press officer at the Council for Safe Traffic, Søren Ørsted Pedersen and continues:

– there can be No doubt that if you run the car in the affected state, so increases the risk to do harm to others and to themselves by running wrong. It positive is, however, that the police are out there, and they send an important signal about to stop someone, even if it in itself is not good.

This image was taken in connection with a raid at the north E 45 highway in december 2012. Photo: René Schütze

the Council for Safe Traffic reported in the past week, to eight percent of the total 3.515 surveyed drivers in the last year have driven the car, even though they were in doubt whether they had drunk more alcohol than allowed.

Of the study, which is made in cooperation between the Council for Safe Traffic and Trygfonden in the rise of a current campaign against drink driving, it appears also, that the problem is greatest among the 17-35-year-olds. Here is 16 percent, within the past year have run the car, even though they maybe had drunk too much.

Nine out of ten danes disapprove of drink driving, so it is in no way popular, but the difficult part is to get more in spritbilisternes destinations to take responsibility for, that it does not reach so far, that people put themselves behind the wheel when they are the least affected, says Søren Ørsted Pedersen.

In the year’s first 10 months is 5.025 persons have been charged for drink driving. The numbers will the Council for Safe Traffic like down below 2,000 for a whole year in the course of a short number of years.

In 2018 was 32 people killed and 183 seriously injured in road accidents where drink driving was involved.

– It is a significant decline compared to 10 years ago, but it is still not good enough, says Søren Ørsted Pedersen.