Bother you and the driving school instructor does not really have a driving hour late for the evening?

Then take a pair of sunglasses on the nose during a driving hour of the day, and hey presto, so is the mandatory mørkekørsel done.

Or what about the theory test. Is it too difficult for you?

So we send just a other check, which can take the test in your place.

This is just some of the examples of fraud that the police encounter in driving schools, particularly in the larger towns and cities must do their young students ready to move freely behind the wheel.

last year Alone, was erected the 123 proceedings against driving schools in the entire country, according to a new statement from the national Police.

See also: Is this Denmark’s coolest køreskolebil?

In Copenhagen, the Police is the extent of the fraud is so great that, according to the senior shop steward for færdselsafdelingen Finn the Artist has set aside three men to deal with cases of cheating.

– There has clearly been an increase in the number of cases.

– for example, We have had students who have told me that their night driving is being done by, you have been equipped with sunglasses, or when you have driven on the day in a basement, he says.

According to Finn, the Artist, the police have also seen a student for a theory test, which was equipped with a microphone and a hidden earpiece, so that the driving school instructor be able to listen and provide the right answers.

On the island of Funen is experiencing policewoman and member of the board of standards of driving examiners Association Steen Caspersen also, that which is unclean trot among certain driving schools.

Not so glaring as in Copenhagen, but still to an unacceptable degree.

– We experience that being cheated on the weight. Part students are not getting the education they are entitled, and which they should have according to the legislation, he says.

See also: Prison for the theory test-cheating: Saved headset under hijab

By giving the students fewer hours than required can driving schools according to Steen Caspersen offer the young to take a driving cheaper than the more reputable places.

– And what we see is only the top of the cake, he says.

In kørelærernes largest trade association, the Danish driving Instructor’s Union, knows the president Bent Grue well to the stories on the industry’s black sheep.

– There are many who jumps over where the fence is lowest.

– It is just rarely the driving schools, there are organized, and then it’s hard for us to do something, he says.

the Danish driving Instructor-Union has about 800 members, but according to the Bent Grue is up to 1800 driving schools in Denmark.

this is Why the most effective remedy against the fraud according to the unionsformanden, when the police run out and make make sure.

in many cases

the Police are experiencing in several places in the country, driving schools deliberately scammer with the students ‘ number of driving hours and mandatory mørkekørsel.

in Addition to cases where instructors help students to cheat through the theory test by, for example, to guide them through a hidden earpiece.

nationwide, there were last year created 123 cases of køreskolers violation of kørekortbekendtgørelsen.

below you can see how the cases distribute themselves in the country’s police districts:

* Jutland: 49

* Copenhagen * denmark: 45

* in the Middle – and west Jutland: 12

* Fyn: 12

* north Jutland: 1

* Sydøstjylland: 1

* in the Middle – and west zealand: 1

* the Copenhagen Perform: 1

* south Zealand and Lolland-Falster: 0

* Sealand: 0

* Bornholm: 0

There can, in serious cases to be cases, instead, is registered as fraud, and therefore is not among the 123 cases.

driving Instructors, who will be sentenced for swindle with the students ‘ kørekortforløb, may be typically a fine, short conditional prison sentences and the provisional deprival of the right to work as driving instructors.

Sources: the national Police, Copenhagen Police, Køresagkyndiges in the Dark.