A key Satudarah member, was on Wednesday produced in the grundlovsforhør along with the characters, which in result Added the Magazine’s research is just as central figures in the NPV-gang – the pt’s strongest grouping in the metropolitan area.

the Case is about extortion and violence against different people as part of the organized banditry. All the accused denies guilty. According to the charges were one of the victims in detention and subjected to violence and threats with firearms and a knife in order to get him or his family to supply of 220,000 crowns.

A second victim was exposed to violence, so that his ear was partially torn off.

According to the charges were also sent repeated text messages to the victim, where they were threatened with violence if they did not pay the ‘debt’. ‘The money is in my custody in the morning. Otherwise there will be trouble. I fly home in person and fuck you. I have had enough of you. Otherwise, I send the rats under your door’, is one of the threats.

See also: Big action: Bandefolk arrested for violent crime

That just Satudarah-people and the NPV-members is dense is far from a one-off affair. Sources with insight in the environment informs that the people from these two groups through the a long time have stood each other near.

So near, that a larger group of 20 to 30 NNW-people were invited to and participated in the Satudarahs big celebration that was held at some banquet facilities in Avedøre 27. January of last year.

Furthermore, Satudarah members a few times been seen on the Red Square in Nørrebro, which also NNV-people have their time.

at the same time, likes and commented on it merrily in the friendly tone of the other postings on social media.

NNV-grouping grew big over the summer 2018 when the party in a short, but fierce conflict with the Brothas-gang. And several of the current NPV figures have actually previously been organized as members in a støtteklub to the Satudarah. Støtteklubben called himself back then, in 2016, for Saudarah. However, it has since been dissolved.

Wednesday’s grundlovsforhør was somewhat chaotic. The accused came to fall into continual, while at the same time the prosecutor had to start with to read the charges brought up for some of the accused, who had arrived, because fængslingsfristen in 24 hours was close to expire.

Each time a new charged were brought into the court, he began to talk with the audience, so that they shall be rebuked by the judge.

A younger guy with black halvlangt hair in the top, kortklippet in the sides and the beard was the first accused who came in. He seemed ill-tempered, tense, searched down to the gallery and said something in a foreign language, so he was reprimanded.

It prevented him, however, is not in the cards after loudly and angrily to turn around and shout at one of the medsigtede.

– He stands and plays smart to me. Don’t talk to me, it sounded.

His lawyer explained that his client has not gotten his medication today, and it could explain, if he was a little testy.

– We others are damn also mentally ill, was it another of the accused, to say.

the Judge chose at the prosecutor’s request that the closed doors of the hearing of the account of the investigation, even though the defenders protested. The accused is also protected by navneforbud.

the Hearing is still in progress.