Two specific laps with apartments, which is part of the current near-nationwide terrorsag, was already in the passover in the years searched in connection with the investigation of a mysterious busbrand on Amager Strandvej.

It learns the Extra Leaf after speaking with several residents.

At easter led the searches at the two addresses to the arrest of two 20-year-old men, who were charged with arson and later released again.

It is Thursday morning, not managed to get in touch with Brian Belling, efterforskningschef in the Copenhagen Police, in order to get information on a possible connection between the events of easter ransaginger and the current terrorsag.

But Brian Belling confirmed the morning after the event on Thursday 4. april to Ekstra Bladet, police officers, bomberyddere, technicians and dogs were moved out to the addresses in the two districts and Noerrebro.

Efterforskningschefen held in addition ‘any information about the three searches back’. He confirmed, however, that the three searches ‘had a correlation with the fire in the bus and so further attempts at arson’.

Here is one of the police technicians on the road in one of the raided apartments in Valby, copenhagen and Herlev. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

Efterforskningschefen would not at that time identify which city or locality of the fire-trial was directed, where specific plans there were to talk about, or about the level of crime has its starting point in a well-organized planning.

Two 20-year-old men were charged with brandstiftelsen in the bus and later made in grundlovsforhør and imprisoned for three weeks on suspicion of being behind the outstanding brandforsøg.

the Police found that the then 20-year-old men, who were arrested at the addresses set fire to the bus at Amager Strandvej. The charge also went on, to the two young locals had plans to set fire to a property west of Copenhagen.

the Police found, according to DR News information, among other things, acetone, grill lighter fluids and gasoline in the one of the arrested car. There was also found a ten-liter benzindunk.

Under the grundlovsforhøret, it also came to light that the police had been tipped about the two men’s plans of an ‘anonymous and credible source’, and that the police had obtained the tele-information of the one of the arrested men.

The two people were, according to the Copenhagen County information for DR News released 4. October, but it is unclear what led to their release.

It is unknown whether the two young men from brandstiftelsessagen is among those arrested.