the Police have on Wednesday afternoon carried out a large coordinated antiterroraktion with the arrests and searches on 20 different locations across the country.

Ekstra Bladet has spoken with several residents in the affected areas.

One of them lives in a tower on Sjælør Boulevard in Copenhagen, where police on Wednesday afternoon raided an apartment.

– I then suddenly from my window, there was a lot of police walking around. And when I was going out to act at a time so I in the entryway 12 to 15 police officers including a few civilians, which I suspect was from the PET, he says.

They had made a hole in the door to an apartment, so they could get through.

According to the resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, there were many different police cars in front of the entryway. He knows that there lives a woman in the apartment.

– I can say that living in a muslim woman who goes in the full burkadragt. She speaks Danish fluently.

He does not know about the woman from the apartment have been arrested, but it seems that the whole situation is scary.

– Only the fact that there may have been the presence of terrorists in my recovery, it becomes uncomfortable.

the Resident says, that he first saw the police around noon. 15, and there was still plenty of police, en Ekstra Bladet spoke with him late in the afternoon on Wednesday.

another place, in Voldparken in Husum, as a resident, to a door in the hallway had been kicked in, when he came home from work.

I could almost figure out that it had something with the police action in the whole country to do, he says.

He tells that he has several times talked with the woman, who lives in the raided apartment in Husum.

– I’ve talked before with her, when we encountered each other. But I could feel that she was beginning to change. She was not as interested in talking with me, as she was in the past, he says of the woman, who wore a suit, where only the eyes were visible.

two years ago, there came suddenly two civilbetjente and asked him if he had noticed the woman’s comings and goings.

– well I had noticed that her curtains were often rolled for, but I have never felt threatened by her, she has always been sweet and very articulate.

Also in Aalborg conducted police searches. Anna Skjøtt Rissgaard living in the vicinity:

– We were very uninformed, and it was difficult to find out what it was that was going on. That held two civilian cars and a police van, but there were no police officers, one could ask about what was going on, when they were all inside the house.

I must admit, I was a little nervous, for there had before been a voldtægtsovergreb in the same building.

It took not very long time. It lasted probably accumulated an hour, but I saw not those who were brought out of the building.

Watch the entire police news conference here. Video: Ritzau Scanpix