In august of this year attracted the well-known writer Knud Romer a stir when he declared in his radio program on Radio24syv ‘the Roman empire’ told, that he and the ‘X Factor’-judge Thomas Culture had smoked tremendously at each other’s throats during the Quality of the 56-year birthday.

I nodded, in fact, Thomas Blachmann a roach in here the other day on his birthday, said Romer in the radio program.

Knud Romer told the forward that he responded violently, as the two men had a lot to drink at a restaurant, where they celebrated the birthday, and Culture in the context began to ‘press his buttons’.

– I try to explain to him, if he should have forgotten it, why I can’t handle it. He sits down now beside of me with his big, fat smile, does not, and provides the gas, said Knud Romer on the situation.

See also: After a year: Culture puts the apartment up for sale

– And finally I end up with fingers up in his face: ‘Now keep you kraftstejleme shut up. A fucking word more from you, and you get kraftedeme a Falster-roach, you’re with’, it sounded far from Knud Romer.

Knud Romer has been the host at Radio24Syv. Pr photo

According to Knud Romer continued Thomas Culture, however – in spite of his warning – yet his provocations.

– Then comes the word, and nod your head I him a fucking skull, so he goes in the floor, tipping the table down. Bottles and glass pouring out of him. He goes out like a light, and I go out and drive home. And I’m weeping when I get home, for I am excited, and I’m deeply unhappy about what the hell I have done, it sounded from Knud Romer.

According to Thomas Culture found the episode with Knud Romer never place. Photo: Jonas Olufson

Since the controversial opinion, there has been radio silence from the Thomas Culture, which at no time have commented Knud Romers opinions.

However, when Ekstra Bladet met him on Wednesday morning in connection with the upcoming season of ‘the X Factor’ on TV2, he put for the first time, a few words on what according to him happened during the aforementioned birthday party.

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– I know many weirdos. Now, I read for a half a year ago, to Knud Romer had used me a skull somewhere for my own birthday, which never was the case, he said with a grin and continued:

– But I give space to my friends on the way, if they want to dramatize. But it is a situation that never came there, he says further.

– But then the author just be allowed to do it. It says a little bit about my space. I think that the man is the author, and that he must find something. I love him. It is not at all it. But I was in no way the shells. I do not sit and provoke the people beyond all limits or provoke any clashes. I will never do, says Culture and stresses that the Romers story was a great game of ‘lie’.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with Knud Romer, who with a twinkle in his eye, writes the following in an email:

‘Then it never happened. It is the new year, and we are the best of friends.’